Raid Lag in Mythic and Heroic

worked for 2m on the pull on Nzoth Mythic than we back to lagging

I am sure Blizzard thinks it’s only 80 people posting it must be their connection.

Let’s face it, I cba posting here either, not like we get any blue answers anyway on the EU forums so people won’t bother posting. Told my guild the same and everyone was like whats the point they don’t care about EU forums.

We’re considering just pre-canceling our Sunday Mythic raid, since we had to cancel it past few weeks on raid night anyway cause of the lag
 We did a Heroic clear on Wednesday and the lag was pretty horrendous; only reason we killed bosses is cause it’s Heroic so it’s a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

Yet another bump, raids lagging again. 15 ms server latency

After 1 month no news about any gift ?
We loosed almost 1 month and were unable to try on nzoth MM because of lag. The result is that we won’t kill it. Not due to our fault but blizzard’s.
Is it tolerable ? We opened a request the answer was a kind of “work in progress go to this tread”
No news. No compensation ?

I’ve stopped playing about 2 months ago because of the the same lag spikes+freezes problems and there were like 5 or 6 posts in row with the same issue that still dont have an answer. I started playing again and whenever i enter in an instanced location like bgs/raids/dungeons i start experiencing lag spikes and it just makes the game unplayable.

No news no compensation and same answer for my request : we know but we don’t care and let us take our beer while slacking with our millions. That’s what I understand.

And what’s up with shadowland can you play ? 45 min waiting for connect and disconnect after 1 quest and exceptionnal latency. Great great !