Raid Lockout and personal loot

I have been googling and i just cant seem to find any blizzard awnser on this:

If you have a guild of 20 people that raids, and you go into castle nathria, but 7 of the 20 were bored and decided to pug the first 3 bosses before raiding with the guild, how does this affect the other people?

A: the loot system ignores the 7 people and loot still drops but cant trade it with the 7 people already saved

B: There is a chance the 7 people are part of the lootgroup but they already killed it once so if they get chosen, noone gets loot.

Does anyone have a link to a blizz awnser to this?

B is the right one. Don’t have a Blizzard answer to it though.

I’m sure you’re excluded from the loot but the others are not.

So thats the first 2 awnser contradicting eachother :stuck_out_tongue: Hope there is a clear blizzard awnser to this

People that are loot locked can not gain additional loot or be traded loot.

There is a blizz info here:,time%20left%20until%20they%20reset.

Hope it helps.

Does this mean you can bring 19 saved people and the 1 that is not saved is guaranteed loot?

If that’s true… that’s easily exploitable. lol

No, personal loot means that every person “rolls for himself”, regardless of the raid size.

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So you are saying that if you bring 7 saved people and 13 non saved there is a chance noone gets loot?

Yes, especially in SL.

But do you have an official answer to that? because your link does not clarify that. it just clarifies personal loot.

First it’s determined how many drops there will be, based on the number of players eligible to get loot, then the gear is distributed by a secret need roll by everyone eligible, and then a piece is selected from the loot table according to class and loot spec.

Yeah thats again a different awnser, you are saying you can bring 19 saved people and the 1 not saved is guaranteed loot. But there are several opinions around, but no blue post

I think it rolls loot chance as per normal, ie 3/20 in a raid. Then checks whether the people who got lucky are locked- if they are locked they get nothing.
So if you bring 1 unlocked and 19 locked, the 1 person has the same 3/20 of getting something and the locked all get nothing.
If you bring 7 saved and 13 unsaved, the odds are still high no one gets loot as you’re still rolling against the 3/20 and all 3 rolls could be ‘saved’.
It the only way it could work that isn’t exploitable.

There is no such thing as guaranteed loot from dungeons and raiding currently.

This is the last blue post about loot drops.
If you want a direct “okay, how much loot moves if i have X locked, X unlocked and so on”, you would have to drop a support ticket, and the answer will be pretty close to what players are given to you.

When we draw the line, currently it does not matter how many people are loot locked, due to the fact that they can not trade gear between each other (item level upgrade is soulbind), it matters a lot more if you are trying to funnel gear.

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yeah i guess ill make a ticket. thank you for your awnsers tho

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