Raid Lockouts.. Dafuq Bra?


If i get it right, because i’m not speaking english first language + i read it was very badly writtent in the post, we can do only ONE of each raid per WEEK ?

It doesnt matter if it’s 10 or 25. It doesnt matter if it’s Normal or Heroic. If i kill an Halfus this week, i’ll not be able to kill ANY other Halfus from ANY variation of either group size or difficulty ?

I mean i may sound dumb but is that correct ? If so, that system is hell right ? I just wanted to be sure that i’m getting this correctly, thank you in advance guys

Thats how it works yes.
To me it’s the best system, god do i hate having to do a raid in 2 difficulties & 2 different sizes.

We’ll be fine not running bwd 4 times a week.

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Thank you for your light on the question here mate.

I personally half agree with u. 10 and 25 should be bound together per difficulties, since they give the same ilvl gear, there is no point running the same raid in the same difficulty with a different group size.

Since this lockout is fine for you, what are your argument against a Normal lockout and an Heroic one ? If they are size-free i mean. Trying to understand other parts of the community here

Here for me, i get the “i can’t raid 4 times the same instance”, not everyone can spend 20h of raiding a week on this game (and i agree with you, especially this tier with 3 raids), but i would like to be able to clean in Normal, then try the boss in Heroics. Group size-free, ofc. Would leave us with the ability to do Normal AND Heroic the same week. I do feel like the Normal raid are very under-tuned and easy to go, and it feels awfull having to do like 2 or 3-4 weeks of rollfacing content to gear up a bit for heroic. Haven’t put a foot in heroic atm tho, dunno if we do really need the Normal gear to beat those

I guess my argument would be that theres nothing that stops you from attempting heroic Chimaeron, realising aight this stuffs to tough right now, lets clear it normal for now.

Or if you realised last raid, man we roflstomped Maloriak, lets try heroic this time.

You can switch back & forth while inside. All a separate lockout would do is faster gearing for normal gear. Eventually you’ll stop doing normal altogether.
The normal difficulty is idd waaaay to damn easy, like holy sh*t. You almost feel bad doing anything on normal & not doin it on heroic.

We got people from 348-354 & we did Atramedes + Halfus hc first week. A bit of prog on Valiona & then some on Chim, but we ran out of raid time.
Def will be a few more hc clears this week.

I think the separate hc/normal lockout only benefits in phase 1 getting to heroic faster. With full 372, you prob won’t do Firelands normal that much anyway.

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