Raid set 2 piece bonus bugged?

So I’ve got 2 set pieces which gives the bonus:

Incinerate critical strike chance increased by 20%. Conflagrate critical strike chance increased by 25%

However comparing raid logs from before I had these items to dps meter stats after (given a decent time soak on the dummy), I’m not seeing any critical strike difference on Incinerate (-69 normal, -40 crit) or Conflagrate (-40 normal, -60 crit).

I’ve also run a quick sim and the projected dps output is pretty much what I’m doing.

Am I missing something here, or do we think the set bonus is broken? 20% and 25% are insignificant and you’d think it would make some improvement.

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same with affliction. 2set not providing any additional crit chance for melefic rapture

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