Raid solo content

At level 70 up to which expansion can I solo raids, and what ilevel do I need for harder solo content? I’m not gonna solo unless it is easy to collect set-pieces from bosses.

Legacy Raids should extend to Legion now. So anything up to and including them.

I would have thought the gear from Zaralek Caverns or the token gear from Forbidden Reach should be more than adequate.

Realistically you can solo all Legion raids in pretty much questing greens, though some people find mythic Eonar mechanically challenging because you have to move around the area a lot (personally I soloed mythic Antorus on my Paladin without any real need to self heal).

As far as BFA content goes there’s no guarantee. Just for the heck of it a few months ago I tried to solo normal Wrathion and died but then switched to a more defensive build (notably cryofreeze to regenerate health) and managed it.

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As Puny said but also they have revealed for 10.1.5 that they will be nerfing the BfA raids mechanics that make it difficult to solo. Currently it isn’t hard to kill mobs, just the mechanics mean it is unsoloable. They will also be adding a solo LFR queue for Shadowlands but generally it won’t be that doable until the next expansion.

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I’m waiting for some tuning to be able to run eternal palace. Got a few Transmogs I really want from there , but from posts I’ve read it isn’t really doable atm

N’zoth solo? Cant be done. Need two people. One up, one down.

I welcome the change to make it easier for us though.

I was doing legion raids during SL and now they are apart from some mechanics a joke.

I did firelands today and mechanics on alysrazor caught me out as i had to asnwer the door to accept a package. The fight was in progress and till i remembered how to do it i was standing in flames. Up till that it was a one shot moonfore affair. The way it should be for content that old done on characters of todays strength

Yes, so they may change that. Hopefully they have learnt to do that completely than just some of it like Legion, until later when they go “Ooooh alright then.”

Legion will be pretty soloable apart from some tricky fights (Eonar in Burning Throne being the trickiest).
I was able to solo Nighthold back in SL for the tier sets there.

I do hope there will be some tweaks for BFA soon and perhaps even for some Legion (Eonar could be made optional or something).

Eonar and Kiljaeden on mythic in legion are a pain in the farter.

A wee nerf to both of them would be nice

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