like new Mount or pets, pvp sets (transmog) to get more life in the world pvp
and i think it would be fun to have raiding stormwind a thing agian.
sins bfa is a faction war i dont know why this isnet a Thing any more.
Don't get me wrong, I spend a lot of time in enemy cities myself ("air traffic control", I call it), but I think it's ok as it is. Just this week I joined a raid to kill all faction bosses; I got the achievement in WotLK but I thought it might be fun anyway so I decided to lend a hand. Turned out I wasn't the only one, and in fact we killed Baine a second time after we finished because someone had missed it due to a mishap with a wyvern, and despite it being a PuG formed in /2 people were nice enough to go all the way to Thunder Bluff again just for one person.
Sometimes rewards are elsewhere.
The most famous one were that raid in Zaldazar were a GM disconnected the zone and put them back outside(understandable when they were 120 people). Kinda joined a raid to kill Sylvanas awhile back and with a huge horde representation in WM, we filled up to 40 and set out for orgrimmar.
We fought her down to about 50% when the server suddenly rebooted and we were sitting at the graveyard like fools. Because well, too many horde zoned in to defend the warchief as expected.
The server x-realm sharding feature ain't really suited for the old style of city raiding at least not as it used to.
12/11/2018 14:49Posted by GhimrizzWell as alliance we get teleported out of horde cities.
The most famous one were that raid in Zaldazar were a GM disconnected the zone and put them back outside(understandable when they were 120 people). Kinda joined a raid to kill Sylvanas awhile back and with a huge horde representation in WM, we filled up to 40 and set out for orgrimmar.
We fought her down to about 50% when the server suddenly rebooted and we were sitting at the graveyard like fools. Because well, too many horde zoned in to defend the warchief as expected.
The server x-realm sharding feature ain't really suited for the old style of city raiding at least not as it used to.
Please see:
There is a reason why those Alliance raids were booted out of Ogrimmar, and they only have themselves thank for it.
12/11/2018 15:02Posted by CosiiPlease see:
There is a reason why those Alliance raids were booted out of Ogrimmar, and they only have themselves thank for it.
What does this have to do with a 40-man mainly AD based faction boss raid? We have horde raids in SW basicly every week and sometimes the lags basicly unbearable. But everytime someone on alliance choose to do a fun raid somewhere we get booted out.
The main deal is that faction based warfare on a somewhat larger scale have been made impossible due to overload trought group tools. This is especially true when it comes to horde. Everytime you try to do something 2-3 groups trought LFG tool gets created and fills to the brim with players in no time. Orgrimmar are pretty busy normally but when that happened we suddenly had a bit over 100 players swarming into valley of honor and who knows how many more there was on the way or in loading screens etc.
well i will wait for classic and hope they remove sharding there xD and do it there
It is shame, but current blizzard hardware cant handle pvp, where more then 30-40 players overall. I even don’t tell about raids vs raids capital assaults, like it was in old expansions.
Storming Stormwind
Conqueror of Orgimmar II: Eitrigg-boogaloo
Something Something Thunderbluff
Ironforge: Bunker Busted
Exterminating Extraterrestrials at the Exodar
Blood in the streets of Silvermoon
Troll Hunters: Echo Isles
Gnomeregan, into the Fallout Zone
Teldrassil Too Soon; A Tree Too Far
Holding Your Breath in Undercity
Honestly, yes for titles. Yes for gear drops and other rewards. But we need to make it challenging. There should be rising “alert” levels as the enemy Faction spends more time in a city, gets closer to the Faction leader, kills NPCs or arrives in larger groups.
More guards should spawn, harder guards. Named NPCs should start to join in. Etc.
I’m pretty sure that’s because it generated such high lag for players that it threatened to cause a fecesstorm
The game cant handle much atm, either the servers are been, have been downscaled or both
As for the Forsaken city, I dont know, maybe the server load generated is way too high? I honestly cant imagine any other reason besides threatening the uptime of servers (or maybe I dont want to believe other reasons would be used)
Well to be fair i think it’s an issue with the sharding in it self. Since everytime you join a group, you leave sort of a digital footprint on the shard you originated from.
This footprint then basicly acts as a datapoint which is linked to your current “active” shard since the footprint have to move togheter with you at all times. Ofcourse these issues can be solved with better code, but if it’s as i fear every player who groups up and ends up on a different shard, whould in theory eat up the same server requirements as two people.
This get’s pretty harsh on crowded shards since not only are people “magically appearing” in the crowded shard, but multiple footprints are also left on these shards cause people phase out of them into others aswell. Perhaps all these extra processes cause huge lag.
Now i don’t really know myself, since I’m not a expert on these sort of things. But to me it seems like the sharding is the issue more then a pure server stability issue.
the sharding is active even on Warmod activated ?
I would suggest like a small village, outside major capitals, where leaders of each faction are. There, players of oposite faction can atack the leaders,their guards and adds, but to make it very difficult, like a raid: with phases, mechanics, adds, etc. That village to be unsharded and only players from the same shard can join (both factions), not players from other shards. This way, maby, the lag could be avoided.
The rewards should be for both factions,atackers rewards, defenders rewards. They should be achievments, pets, mounts,toys, gear.
They made this expansion with the ideea of a war between our factions. And what we have is a broken WM mode where everyone kills who can and runs away if cant. No organised pvp events, no pvp content,no pvp quests,storyline (what storyline we have is pure bollocks, you go kill npc’s, right, real pvp) just pure hack&slash. Thatswhy, many people say that this expansion is even worse than Draenor.
I dident play in dranor but it bad to make a war mode without war -.- so i feel you man xD