Raiding, have you done it before?

I’m trying to get the most genuine Vanilla experience out there. It’s a little rough with the raiding where everyone seems to try and get it as optimized as possible (understandable, it’s a 15 year old game).

I never raided during the time I played retail and I would like to do my first raid with other people who didn’t raid or rarely raided. Do people like that exist outside of myself?

I think you’re gonna have a hard time finding 40 people or a guild, that fits the description of people you want to play with. I think your best bet would be to look for a guild that has understanding of who you are, and what you’re trying to do.

I mean, there’s a difference between optimizing consumables and coming prepared for a raid. If you’re going down into Blackrock Mountain in search of dragons and challenges with a group of people, you could still have the brain and common sense to bring some fire protection potions, without min-maxxing with all the juju powers, elixirs and scrolls.

I think some guilds would appreciate someone like you; curious, eager to start raiding and learning. Just do it with the right people else it could become a nightmare. :smiley:

Good luck!

Yeah I know. But personally I would enjoy the chaos it would be, but like you say I doubt there are that many people around. But it wouldn’t even need to be 40, just some. Thanks for your reply though!