So, the past few weeks i have been trying to get into heroic raids… everyone asks for 470ilvl so I presumed the gear drops would be equivalent and vault reward. I got in a few last night, smashed the first two bosses with ease then wiped a few times on vol… the serpent dude. Simply to mechanics -easy mechanics i might add. But the item drops are 463 or something… my vault reward is 463 aswell i think.
How does capping the players you invite to 470 prevent dumb people joining? In my group we had 470-484 people. Im 469 so felt fortunate that i was invited yet i was soaking everytime, dodging the fire when his tail slams etc. My main point is why are we punishing people who are appropiate ilvl presuming higher ilvl = higher IQ.
Another gripe i have is this “curved only”…
How can someone get achievement if the majority of pugs are curved only.
I know a lot of folks will come at with “find a guild”
Most guilds i find raid on a week day or a sunday. I work and have commitments so struggle to commit to this. I managed to do heroic last season and a few on mythic. Does that not get taken into consideration - i know its different tactics etc but my point is shouldnt that show i have some IQ to learn mechanics?
For me i go into LFR knowing zero tactics, i do normal with what i learned from LFR and usually youtube the heroic or mythic before attempting them…also the mechanics are usually pretty easy to figure out with dbm.
This is more of a rant and to hear other peoples expieriences regarding this as opposed to people telling me to find a guild or run my own group etc…
I think on balance raid leaders just prefer idiots with lots of gear over idiots with less gear.
It’s tough, try making a group of ‘appropriately geared’ people and get them to pinky promise they are awesome at tactics, their class etc and see where that gets you.
If this is what you do, it makes you a rare gem in the pug raid environment. Most people still expect to wing it when they get to heroic.
And what Deja said is very true.
If you’re able to, try pugging the raid on Wednesday morning/afternoon immediately after reset. That’s when many of the more skilled players who are just chasing a single item do it.
Its very simple, raids arent the prime gearing method + you got the transformation into set thingy. So people usually gear in M+ before raiding, and the community of exclusive raiders is small.
You are right about high lvl not being high iq, there are so many stupid people that cant do s%*^ besides some high key. Dont take it personally and remember wow is a process where many things dont depend on you.
Heroic Amirdrassil drops 467-476 loot (a few pieces can be 483). Volcoross drops 470 in HC, 463 in Normal. You were probably in a normal raid.
There are some M+/raid communities on Discord that don’t require much commitment and that span all servers. Chill Streak (on Discord), for example, do their “Coldsnouts” (the more casual branch) raids on Saturdays. You only need to register before Friday and you can raid the following Saturday. They usually start a tier with normal raids and then progress to HC. I did a run with them once when I came back to the game (shortly before S3) and would still do so if I hadn’t re-joined my old casual raid group. Something to look into. It’s certainly better than PUGing.
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