Raids are not worth the time and pain

Easy enough for a moderately organised and competent group. The drop rate on the trinkets is low, though.

Everything on heroic is doable by mediocre/not-totally-bad players, with the exception of sylvanas that is a pain in the butt if you pug it with people that haven’t killed it already and those you get should have killed it already multiple times (!).

Bosses like fatescribe wipe pugs a lot but it’s nothing hard if they know mechanics (sylvanas is hard if they know mechanics and they’re not bad players if they’ve never done it).

one huge problem whit loot is that, one boss can have 3 items you need, what meens if none of those drop, you may not get a single uppgrade at all from the rest of the bosses.
offcourse at start of the raid, it is fine, becuse you get uppgrades from most bosses, but once you start have the easier bosses on farm and you get the loot, you will not be able to get more until you kill the harder bosses, and here comes the problem, having 3 items that is good for a class from same boss is wrong.
lets take this hunter for example, most of the items I need now, all comes from 3 last bosses or so, give or take 1 item, now Sylvanas have 3 items that would be good for me, chance I get them is 20%, meening I can go whitout getting a single drop for 10 kills if unlucky, and to get all I mighit need 30 kills, for all 3, again depending on how unlucky whit vault and drops.
it feel horrible realy.

I personally like raids. Got a few ahead of the curve here and there but eventually had to give up on raiding due to loot issues. Back in the guild i was part of we had like 3 Warlocks and funny enough we all would play Destruction in the raids.

When one of us got that haste - mastery ring or that solid trinket, we jumped ahead in the DPS chart. And raid logging or seeing your damage increase as you acquire new items is really fun. Its always fun, right? I mean, you see your character power progression.

But of course this had a negative effect on other players. While someone did indeed get their BIS item, others didn’t for weeks (yes, i am talking about you vita-charged titanshard).

In Shadowlands; i tried raiding once and that was when SoD came out. I believe we killed 3 bosses and i actually didn’t get a loot at all. It took us around 3 and a half hour to kill them. While I was happy for being able to progress in the raid; i also felt awful for not getting a single reward for my effort.

Hence; i don’t raid anymore and quite likely won’t in the near future unless a more deterministic loot structure is introduced.

Of course you can ask that then why did you raid before? Same systems, right. This change happened due to 2 main reasons;

  1. Me and i believe people in general, have lesser time dedicated to games overall (part-time jobs, gym, jogging etc.) but also dedicate less time to WoW amongst other games. Not neccesarily because WoW is bad but because there are so many different kinds of games out there to play and have fun. Meaning, i dont have the time to wait for RNG to give me decent loot so I can enjoy my toon in WoW better. I want to see the objective, progress towards it and eventually get it.
  2. Burned out. That RNG loot overtime became a bigger eyesore.

But you did get a reward - in the vault. That’s a guaranteed piece of loot for 3 bosses killed (and up to 3 chances to win the RNG lottery if you kill more than 3).

Assuming you do myth raiding, otherwise, unless you get a raid specific item like a trinket that piece of loot is lower ilvl than what you can get by doing keys, making it irrelevant 90% of the time.

You get a piece of loot specific to the raid difficulty you did, yes. That’s as it should be.

I dislike the concept of the vault as it punishes people further for not playing the game from the get go or skipping in between. It also doesn’t resolve the spontaneous disappointment you get. And it still has the RNG concept.

Sure, but if you can clear HC you can almost surely clear +15, especially this very easy season, making all those drop irrelevant.
It’s 9 choices only if you are a super pro gladiator myth raiding etc, but for probably 90% of the playerbase the vault is just the 3 key items.

A 239 piece from HC raid with a domination socket is generally equivalent to, or slightly better than, a 252 piece from the M+ vault.

Repeat after me, the absence of a reward is not punishment.

Raids are not spammable. Meaning, you can’t catch up to others through just raids. Which is, imo, okay. Because it wouldn’t make sense if you could catch the guy in terms of ilvl in a matter of 3 days by spamming it.

But, i don’t like it that Vault can expand this gap. I esp. hate it PvP as people that got their weapon had a solid advantage. And in M+ it almost feels like warforged / titanforged.

Anywho, i respect your opinion but disagree.

What % chance of items from a given raid boss does their have to be for people to be happy? Currently it’s 20%, how much higher does it need to be?

Up to 100%? Considering that over the % drop roll, it’s another roll to get one of the item of sometimes too big loot tables, the chanches of getting the item you want are not that great, potentially you may never get it.
We have no bad luck protection, no vendors, no extra rolls, nada and we aren’t that free to trade items.
Not exactly a fun happy system.

There is one small change they could make to the raid loot system to improve it, I think. Under the current system (bosses drop one item per 5 raid members), it’s entirely possible to go a few raids, as an individual, and not get anything. Not so bad if you raid with your guild and loot is distributed to whoever needs it most, but it really sucks if you pug raids and other people don’t even offer unwanted loot for roll.

They could make it fairer for those who pug by making it a 20% drop chance for each character in the raid. Of course, that would mean some kills will drop more than one piece per 5 members and sometimes there would be no loot at all from a kill. I’m sure we would see posts like ‘My guild killed Sylvanas and NO-ONE got any loot!’ but it would be fairer overall.

It wont solve the raiding problem on 100% but one small step in the right direction is halving the amount of trash between bosses (if not more!). It does nobody any favours and its a pure waste of time. I like how SOD added some enhancements that allow us to clear them faster but its still a slugfest imo.

The loot was also more interesting back then. Right now, everything in the game, aside from some trinkets and dom shards is a stat stick. Removing the tier sets just made it a whole lot less interesting IMO.

Agreed, Old Warriors Soul trinket is non existant. literally the lfr version is better than any 252 ilvl trinket.
Bring some badge vendors in.
Getting tired of the carrot on a stick mentality, I enjoy raiding with my guild but just annoys me that i’m sup par because of nerfed drop chances
 absolute BS

The raid is way too stressful and time-consuming for the tiny chance you’ll actually get a useful drop. You can spend hours in there sweating at your keyboard and walk away with nothing because of low drop rates. Also they’re overtuning it and making it too stressful on healers. I did some early mythic bosses in BFA and those felt easier than heroic SoD.

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Why don’t we use the same logic for m+ and rated pvp, remove the rewards and see how long people keep doing it.