Rain of fire or CB to stack infernal stacks?


This is a Pvp concerned question.
Just curious since Rain of fire is instant 3 shards (24% more CB dmg) and you can almost cast 2 of those back to back before you pop Dark soul. Am I supposed to pop rains of fire while inferno is derping around or cast CB’s during infernal? Which is one is preferred?

Generally yes, however because of the dynamics in pvp I’d say it’s always situational. Let’s say I’m in a 1v2, I’d probably chose to just pump chaos bolts straight away to try and finish one of them off quickly, however if I had good control of the fight and had time for it, I might cast RoF to build up for a bigger burst.

In arenas casting a RoF is pretty much always the way to go, means you can hit them behind the pillar if they’re humping and gives you bigger burst ofc for easier kills - still situational tho in my opinion but I haven’t done that much arena this expac and I’m not high rated.


Aight, thanks for reply :star_struck:

Y those pillar humpers been pestering my games lately… Even if my infernopuppy isnt alive they just cc me and run around the corner.
Everytime I face shamans or druids in general I just fall asleep because of the lack of action in the matches. Im either spellocked, cc’d or pillar humped so hard it makes me want to pull my hairs out of my head. :sob:

It’s not 24%, it’s 12%: grim of sup deals adds half the damage per shard in pvp.

In any case, I would say that it depends. RoF deals negligible damage. Therefore, if you can cast, you will always apply more pressure by casting CBs.

However, in some situations, casting CBS is not possible. You may be at risk of being interrupted, the enemy may be using defensives, etc. In those situations, using RoF is a good way of spending your shards to build up your CB damage until you actually have the opportunity to cast it.

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