Ran into a DH... got flattened


total noobie question here:

1v1ed a DH. He used his trinket before I stunned him but also had meta up. Blew all my CDs on him, interrupted his eyebeam. Yet I never got him under 50% hp. When he was out of the stun he ‘blade danced’ his HP back up to 90% while I cycled through all my def CDs but they did not last until the end of meta.

So is meta leech this strong? He just healed through all my burst (I wasnt CCed for 1 second) by only pressing damage spells? :open_mouth: Seems kinda OP to me.

As an unholy DK I probably still could have won if I were more experienced. Unholy is quite ok now as I understand… My point is that he did not seem to be more skilled or experienced than I am. At least I slowed, stunned, interrupted him. He didnt even use a single CC. Trinketed chains, ate a full stun right after. And then just pressed dps buttons as if I were a target dummy. And he won. By far…

Am I seeing this the right way? Anyways I need to develop skills with this baby… :slight_smile:

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If you were Blood you would’ve eaten him alive

But I’m not sure how Unholy is tbh!

Meta gives +10% Leech, but thats not what healed him.
It was likely from a soul fragments.
When he stuns you with Chaos nova there’s a 40% chance of a soulfragment spawning near him that will heal for 20% when he picks it up. For the other 20% he could have used a potion or healthstone, or perhaps a soulfragment from a nearby mob was also pressent.


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