i haven’t touched wow since Bfa 2020, and you should know by now why lol. my questions are.
i did have a wow token in my bags and i have used it yesterday to get playtime on retail in order to play Plunderstorm. now im interested in cata classic but once i tried to login there it says, active game time required to play wow classic, my question is, is the retail active playtime no longer covering wow classics? i remember it was fine with classic era. not sure tho.
cata questions.
where is wow cata at? , like what patch is live now?what raid tiers and dungeons? is it worth to start playing cata classic now? or i should wait for mop to jump into classic so that i can get first tier raid statics guilds?
how is cata for casuals? and solo players? and what is most fun class to play in it? apart from mage/rogue?
im interested in frost-UH DK and Hunter/Spriest.
I think it should be, but I don’t know the answer here, tbh. I have barely touched retail since early Legion, and my sub has just been on direct debit since 2019. So it’s not something I’ve even reflected on.
Cata is currently at the mid/end-mark of phase 3, Firelands. Last updates to the game are Molten Front (daily quest hub), Inferno dungeons (basically catch-up dungeons for alts) and the raid Firelands.
Depends, I guess. If you’re interested in the end of Cata, sure it’s worth. As a Cata enjoyer, I think there’s good content available. There’s a good few questing zones that are fun to play through, and in general I like both the zones and the dungeons this expansion.
When you reach the endgame though, you should be prepared that most people will require you to know what’s going on in dungeons, potential dungeon skips etc. Not everyone is willing to go out of their way to help or teach you things. This is especially true for pugs, even through dungeon finder. Keep it in mind, but don’t let it discourage you. Somewhat understanding your role, class and spec, and roughly understanding the boss mechanics will probably be enough. Especially for the Inferno dungeons, it might be a good idea to watch a short video and/or read the dungeon journal for a brief idea of the boss mechanics. People tend to be a bit more impatient in these dungeons, since they take longer to complete.
Kind of answered this already, but there is some content for solo and/or casual players. The questing offers some cool stories (some zones are more memorable than others imo), and Inferno dungeons will probably keep you busy for a couple of weeks, assuming you’re not farming them several hours a day. But if you play the game a lot, you will probably run out of things to do in the end. Cata is probably the classic expansion this far with the least amount of endgame content. If you plan on raiding, I would browse server discord channels for a casual guild, the raiding pug scene is very toxic and I personally try to avoid it like a plague.
Completely subjective. As a healer main, I think Cata is the most interesting classic expansion this far, since healing is not just trying to snipe anyone that takes even a slight bit of damage as fast as possible. You actually have to think about what spell to use when, which targets to prioritize, how you should use your major cooldowns, etc.
If you want to be overpowered, pick a blood death knight. You will be wanted in basically every raid team and every dungeon. Since you’re a tank, you will have instaqueues in dungeon finder, and you will compete for top dps, do about 60-70% healing of an actual healer (if played correctly) and be the most well designed tank class in general.
If you don’t want the responsibilities of a tank or a healer, you basically can’t go wrong with a fire mage. Other good dps that I like are elemental shaman and survival hunter. Arms warrior is also solid, if you want to be in melee range.
DPS is my least played this role this expansion, so I’m not an expert. But in general, DPS specs are kind of balanced, with a few winners and a few losers. But to a certain degree, it’s up to the player, and not only the class. A DK dps played to perfection will outperform a mediocre fire mage, even though DK is considered kinda mid tier and fire mage top tier.
In the launcher go to the Classic version, and in the bottom left corner you have to choose the type (Cata or Vanilla) and the account. There is a chance that the laucher set the US version, and that’s why you got that error message.
Yo, here a classic cata solo player. Right now we’re 1 month a part of DS launch (last major patch of Catalsym) and it’ll last till summer, when pre-mop starts. Looking at the ROADMAP CLASSIC Mist of Pandaria is scheduled to be release by autumm, so if you are planning on play both Cataclysm and MOP is a good chance to hop on. Otherwise, DS only will be popular for a couple of month and will fall off pretty quickly.
As a solo player, I’m mass leveling alt my chars (14) and basic gearing (353 ilvl for the new LFG) so i can queue in and do some LFR too because i’m going to play MOP, which is considered a solid exp (PVP and PVE). The downside of a soloplayer is raiding. Depending on your realm, pugs may not exist or most of it is HR for bises and legendary craft. There’s no cross-realm raid ( retail has it) which can be a major problem for solo-player.
At the end, it depends on your goals: raiding, pvp reliving classic if u miss it… Classic Classic is a no for a solo player and Cata/MOP offers you with a decent amount of content without a guild/group