Just another low effort content from blizz side. There is no reason for not being able to queue back into the game. The game still exists, the teams still fight, everybody’s points will be given or taken like nothing happened. It should be possible to get into the game after being logged out of the game.
even when it take 30 mn
If the loading screen last too long the game understand there’s issue and you get “transfert aboarded : instance not found” and you will not get -200 (you don’t lose rating) and don’t get no show
if you close the game to reload in the game consider you tried to fake a issue to avoid losing rating (unplug electricity of your internet, alt+F4 the game etc) in order to dodge the loss of points or to get out of the game quicker.
Yes sometime the loading screen seems long but it avoid you a loss of -200 and a no show