Random DCs and/or lags

Is there any way to check if the seldom DCs and/or lags (hiccups or what you call it) is on the local/national net-provider and not on ones computer or Blizzards server ?

Home latency is you and world is blizzard i think. If both suck then I dunno

No - you can see your connection speed to the server at all times but if you DC you’d have to check your router log to check if it was your network or the blizzard servers.

Lots of folk suggest defaulting your router to the Google DNS 9Domain Name Server ) IP addresses - but I have never seen that make any real difference

If you are using Battlement to launch the game consider quitting the app once WoW has launched - prevents it trying to run hotfixes in the background and frees up RAM

set compatability settings of battle net and battle net launcher to windows 8
set run as administrator
set no game and app updates in battle net
set ipv6 connection in wow settings ingame
and ye maybe turning off battle when you launched the game could help
also you can try to mess around with turning off TPM and Safe boot in bios
also reduce the amount of addons that change your UI in any way

i set all those settings and i have 99% less DCs then before.
I used to have DC every second when i enter houses and some specific spots outside also, swim in water and strafe left and right very quickly while jumping also.

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