Random Dungeon Finder broken

So been using the RDF and people are Toxic in nearly every group People constantly using the Kick too for BS reasons

Not skipping
DPS low
Needing on OS loot no one needs
and then all the other random reasons or just kicking for fun.

This vote kick function just needs to be removed as its Greifing the player base making it unplayable.

Iv also seen people kicked while on last bosses or just before so the also lose out on valor when i question the players they then do another vote kick.

Blizzard clearly just ignore the form posts about it as theres 100s of posts about this abuse.

This needs to be resolved once and for all. stop ignoreing the issue

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I very rarely encountered a group where the kick function was abused. Grinded a hundred + of heroics and only a small fraction had people in it that had to be removed for one reason or another.

Granted, this is not a large enough sample size, but I think people that do complain about it are very often the ones that get removed. And more often than not for a valid reason.

For me its annoying as they will remove someone even though i voted no. then causes the group to wait for a new player and rinse and repeat.

Some of the reasons are just total BS or its someone needing same loot or they just undergeard.

I have no issues with undergeard players or what ever they are i just dont want random toxic player using the Vote kick button to slow the group down because they were not happy with some BS .

Iv done 100’s of RDF and i would say 70% of them contained random vote kicks

IIRC a vote requires less “yes” if a previous vote gets denied.

I´m pretty sure that you pulled those 70% stat out from your buttox. I´m not saying the votekick does not get abused but you people overexaggerate quite a bit im afraid.

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