Random Epic BG Sync groups rules clarified via AI

:face_with_monocle:After some confusion and receiving some abuse :woozy_face: Ive taken to chat GPT to do the lifting for me :muscle: Below is a conversation i had with ChatGPT which searches the internet for source material.

I asked : In World of Warcraft The War Within is it against the rules to queue for random epic battlegrounds if people are using ad-dons to synchronize multiple groups of 5 players sometimes up to a total of 25 players?

AI Response: In World of Warcraft: The War Within, coordinating multiple groups to queue simultaneously for random epic battlegrounds—commonly known as queue syncing—is a topic of debate within the community. While some players view this practice as unsportsmanlike, Blizzard’s official stance does not classify it as a violation of the Terms of Service (ToS) or Code of Conduct (CoC).

A forum post from August 2024 cites a Game Master’s (GM) confirmation that queue syncing isn’t against the rules:

However, it’s important to note that while manual coordination (e.g., counting down to queue together) is permitted, using third-party software or addons to automate this process might breach Blizzard’s policies. A blue post on the forums clarifies:

Therefore, while manual queue syncing is allowed, employing addons or external tools to synchronize queues COULD be against the rules. Given the community’s divided opinions on this practice, it’s advisable to stay informed about any policy updates from Blizzard to ensure compliance.

I asked: So can you give me a concrete answer with a link to where it says its against the toc/coc?

AI Response: In World of Warcraft: The War Within, coordinating multiple groups to queue simultaneously for random epic battlegrounds—known as queue syncing—is a nuanced issue. While manual coordination (e.g., players agreeing to queue at the same time) isn’t explicitly prohibited, the use of third-party software or addons to automate this process MAY violate Blizzard’s policies.

Blizzard’s End User License Agreement (EULA) prohibits the use “any unauthorized third-party software that INTERCEPTS , collects, READS, or ‘mines’ information generated or stored by the Platform.”:

While MANUAL queue syncing ISN’T against the rules, using third-party software or addons to INTERCEPT players queue pops to facilitate this process COULD breach the EULA and Anti-Cheating Agreement. For clarity on specific addons, it’s advisable to consult Blizzard’s official resources or contact their support directly.


I further went to ask the following:

I Asked:
Has anyone ever posted anywhere about being banned from world of warcraft for queue syncing?

AI Response:
This is often used for activities like boosting or manipulating the outcome of a game for unfair advantage.Blizzard has rules and policies against exploiting the game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage, and queue syncing can SOMETIMES fall under these rules. If players are found to be deliberately manipulating the queue system for malicious purposes (e.g., using queue syncing to intentionally throw matches or for boosting), they can be penalized, including having their account suspended or banned.

While I couldn’t find a specific case of someone being banned explicitly for “queue syncing” alone, Blizzard does actively enforce their policies against cheating, exploiting and botting. Many bans related to queue syncing tend to fall under these broader categories.

Players engaging in any form of exploitation, including queue syncing to manipulate PvP or PvE outcomes, are at risk of facing account penalties. Always best to follow the game’s rules to avoid consequences!

I Asked:
Why have these players not yet been banned if its against the rules?

AI Response:
The players you reference who are engaging in queue syncing are unlikely to face penalties due to the absence of concrete evidence that they are DELIBERATELY manipulating the queue system for malicious purposes (e.g., using queue syncing to INTENTIONALLY THROW MATCHES OR BOOST OTHERS). In this instance, these players are neither boosting other individuals nor intentionally sabotaging games, as they consistently win. While their actions may unintentionally have a negative impact on other players, no corrective measures are taken, as there is no malicious intent behind their behavior.


It seems to me that this kind of behavior isnt somthing players would get banned for unless they were doing it to boost/throw games (So if anyone is getting banned, if both teams in the bg have syncd premades and one of the sync premades leaves turning the game into a 40 vs 20 that premade who left if done consistently may actually be the ones penalized for consistantly throwing games.

Although some players might view this kind of behavior as unsportsmanlike/griefing to the enemy team, whichever view you take on the matter as far as blizzard is concerned if nobody is being boosted and they dont throw games they wont be banned. :peace_symbol: :heart: :man_mage:

AI doesn’t substitute a mirror.

It’s good to use Chatgpt as further research material but the short conclusion is that QSync is not against the rules as of this moment and using addons could be.

Since addon api is under Blizzard control, if they think these are against the game rules they will simply void it if they don’t like it and that will be the end of it.


This won’t work, in our days you don’t need qsync or whatever to sync.

My understanding is that ’
engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating’

I guess a win lose ratio of 49:1 from queue-syncing is down to pure luck, as opposed to an unfair advantage.

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Forget it, makes no sense to argue with this person
In general any person who uses AI instead of just using common sense.

The person who used AI is the OP. (ChatGPT).

I merely commented on the sources and validated, that it is indeed the current Blizzard stance. Including the GM ticket and Blizzard quote by Vrakthris.

Thank you!

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There is a PvP game involving 40 vs 40 players. By default, the teams are randomly assigned players, who have the ability to queue in groups of 5 and the rest of the team is randomly assigned.
Some players circumvent this limit of 5 and queue into the game with multiple groups of 5, resulting in 98% chances of winning.
The game has a rule: ‘engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating’.
With a win:lose ratio of 49:1, does queueing as multiple groups of 5 (vs randomly assigned teammates) constitute an unfair advantage?

Yes, queueing as multiple coordinated groups of 5 to form a dominant team constitutes an unfair advantage. The key factors supporting this conclusion are:
1. Win/Loss Ratio (49:1) – A 98% win rate is an extreme statistical outlier in a game that, by design, should have teams of roughly equal strength due to random assignment. This suggests an imbalance caused by the queueing method.
2. Circumventing Game Design – The game limits pre-made groups to 5 players, which indicates an intentional design choice to maintain fair matchmaking. Bypassing this restriction effectively allows for the creation of an organized team against a mostly random team, disrupting competitive balance.
3. Definition of Unfair Advantage – The game’s rule explicitly states that “engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.” Since forming a majority-coordinated team significantly increases the likelihood of victory over randomly assigned teams, it qualifies as an unfair advantage.
4. Impact on Competitive Integrity – Games with PvP elements rely on balanced matchmaking for fair play. Exploiting the queue system to create a lopsided team structure undermines the intended competitive integrity of the match.

Thus, based on the game rules and the observed impact, this behavior would reasonably be classified as cheating.

Thanks for confirming, ChatGPT.


You are not in the position to validate anything, you can “merely” say “yes this is a GM ticket response”.
Fact is ALL GM responses have zero value and in no way representate Blizzards stance to this theme.
We have more than a handful different ticket responses with completely different outcome and prove that GMs have most of the time not even a clue what we ask them.
The closest we can come to “Blizzards stance” is the blue post from the community manager in 2012.
So I ask you to please stop always ignoring every piece of information that doesn’t match to your opinion and read EVERYTHING, thanks!


Funny. But you can in the next sentence? What makes it so you can declare something as a fact?

As a sidenote I agree they get badgered too much by people and the task should be left to Community Managers.

Incorrect, as another Blizzardian has already commented on this matter in a crisp manner.

This applies more to you then it does to me as I spend a lot of time through the entire archive for these topics. You’re free to your opinion and I think feedback about this topic is sure welcome, but that doesn’t mean you’re right just because you present your post as is.

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Ok for the last time
this whole THEME has ONLY to do with common sense, no opinion needed.

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