Range hunter in PVE in phase 5

You ignore the PvP content that has been done there, people literally defended the bosses at Research/Beach for their own faction so people could get more rep/event when it was current content.
If you just follow like sheep during those events and you were lazy to help beach, you have no right to say this was anti-pvp.
This has nothing to do with reading.

Ignoring pvp and boss rushing is what most people did, because PVP is a mini-game. It is MUCH less popular than PVE; not even Nitromethane could deny that.

Blizzard admitted themselves that the Ashenvale event didn’t go how they wanted it to. They wanted what you wanted; an open world PVP battleground. What they got instead was people rushing bosses for easy reputation; getting access to PVP gear without doing PVP.

They then made it worse by giving people 1k WSG rep every day by doing nothing; and thus the non-PVPers (most of the community) had no more reason to do WSG.

The novalty of the STV event wore off pretty quickly, and the new PVP rewards added were worse than what somebody can get via raiding.

Blizzard can’t balance PVP and PVE at the same time. They’ve proven this every single phase. Until Blizzard do something like they did with retail where they separated PVP and PVE scaling entirely; the game will always be a mess and one will suffer because of the other.

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you know he was not very competent right? everyone had a dig at him for free

PvE balance is super pointless, you know that those bosses will die no matter what balancing in PvE is done, they are designed to die and grant people loot if they play proper.
PvP balance is important thanks to 2 raids and 2 dungeons in the same mountain as a PvP event which is more or less a numbers game. But even with Horde v Ally at equal numbers, Caster Shaman Flame Shock just tip the scale so hard it turns into a snowball thanks to one GCD just AoE on 5 targets that also hits hard. Thanks Blizz for failing to tune that :poop:.

Nothing in return , pure nerf and no ups anywhere.

If you want barely any nerfs and consistent buffs every phase - reroll a paladin. Devs have made it clear enough.

P.S. Congrats to all paladins for yet another thing added (horne of lordaeron) to their swiss army knife toolkit. It’s now basically strength + agility totem in one package but actually stronger than TALENTED versions of said totems lol. What blizz will give you next? Stealth? Blink? Rogue level of CC? I guess nothing’s impossible anymore.


​Too dumb to even argue your standpoint - not even WavĂ© is that stupid. First thing you’ve been right about monkey brains, I indeed should have blocked you - seeing you are beyond stupid.

Turd actually thought this was a “PvP nerf” when blizzard are trying to fix PvE rotation, monkey brains at it again.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, and I hate that Im even saying this, but “true” pvp in SOD is basically dead. The only actual pvp event was the STV one, and that was a bit of a hot mess. Ashenvale, and AV are basically just boss rushes(I have actually been told Im griefing for trying to pvp in AV).

And yes, hunters are completely broken in PvP(way more so than the dreaded Shaman), but I dont really see how this change would break them in PvP.

That’s because you’re not worth talking to.

I’m sure you’ve been told that before.

Yet, PVE is the most popular gamemode by a long mile and people don’t want to be in a scenario where the best tactic becomes stacking a single class.

PVP is much harder to balance than PVE, unless you want to homogenise all of the classes like they did in later expansions. You’d take away the very flavour of Vanilla just to achieve balance in a not-very-popular gamemode.

You do realize that hunters never once came top 3 in any tournament dating back to P1 right?

Sure hunters were broken (scorpion pet, Explosive shot, BM) and also start of P4.
After the nerfs we are extremly good in group PvP, however in 1v1 most people deem us to be either C or D tier (look at the last tournament, how many hunters did you see in top 10?.

If by “broken” you mean hunters are good at killing people that have no gear or are clueless about PvP then sure.

Currently we stand 0 chance vs good Rogues-BOOMI. We also lose to mages and shamans - SL Demo will also give us a run.

This of course is at the highest skill cealing, and none of them would even consider hunters to be good in 1v1ÂŽs.

BOOMI are the kings, rogue-mage ele shaman SL Demo comes after. Reason why most people dont even know that BOOMI are the kings, is that no one actually PvPÂŽs when they are full PvP BIS geared.

This change has no big impact on PvP, it was due to the PvE rotation - so should PvP players cry as much as these PvE andys that their class is getting revamped each phase due to PvE?

Blizzard has no real intention on PvP balance - only time they will nerf something due to PvP is when its bad publicity for them - thats about it.


They don’t want to and still roll PvP classes to do premades back in p1 to stack either loads of druids or hunter/priests. Kinda a meme.

Based off what exactly? AV literally making loads of people play PvP, even if that run it down mid to boss.

If you knew what to fix in PvP, then it isn’t that “much harder” than PvE balancing, which is a joke considering the idea of designing it to get beaten anyways.

blizz already did that, literally 3 classes can spread dots by pressing one button.
Hunter - Serpent Spread
Priest - Shared Pain
Shamans - Burn

The community doesn’t have to do anything regarding homogenise the classes, it’s all on Blizz. What people have been asking is to reduce the damage on certain classes like hunters and shamans (ele more specifically).

That’s always going to be the case in PVP though. I entered some WSG with teams of 4 warriors, it was a guaranteed loss.

I can’t speak much for premades, but solo queue is different because you simply can’t choose your teams without going against other people that also chose their teams.

Game activity, it’s been monitored for decades; PVE is simply more popular than PVP on WoW.

Yes, people are joining a PVP game to play PVE. And they’re not doing it for fun, they’re doing it for rewards. The old saying goes that players will min-max the fun out of the game and people will always take the road of least resistance.

Then what do you fix in PVP? none of you even know. You’re convinced that shamans are gods amungst men and that Paladins are crap, other people are convinced that Paladins are OP and must be Blizzard’s favourite class. Numbnuts over there is convinced that hunter is a hard class to play; half of the community think warriors are overpowered, rogues cry when somebody doesn’t die to an ambush-eviscirate and priests thought that hitting people for 900+ with an instant cast Shadowword: Death on people with 1.6k health in P2 was fine.

That isn’t the same as full homogenise. Take MoP for example; the most popular PVP experience in WoW (based on what people say, anyway). Every class had offensives, defenseives, fight resets, casts-while-moving, disengages, self heals, slows, CCs. There was no class left without anything, and every class basically played the same.

Rage for warriors was normalised, everybody had infinite mana, rogues, druids and monks had plenty of energy regen. There was no unique buffs or auras required for PVE either.

Sounds fun right? Maybe, but that’s not Classic. Classic is an absolute mess where ‘flavour’ and ‘class fantasy’ cripple some of us and turn others into gods; and that’s how it should be.

There’s no rating system, it doesn’t matter if somebody is better than you or if their class is stronger because you all get the same rewards anyway. You are rewarded for your time investment, not your skill level.

Class balance in PVP would be a bigger issue if rewards were skill-based, like in arena and rated Battlegrounds. Until then, you’re out of luck.

I’ll wait on that BG queue abusing in AV, oh wait premades can abuse it. Sure not back during WSG/AB times, but people just got a group together of 4 dps/1heal or 3dps / hybrid + heal.

If you keep saying game activity and that it has been monitored for 2 decades, than there is a source. Just repeating PvE > PvP in terms of popularity isn’t gonna make this a true thing.

There’s at least 15 people on both sides wanting to do objectives/fighting other player/etc and they also do it because they enjoy it aka fun.

People with no patience or real time, yeah absolutely.

Quite frankly the two main offenders, hunters and shamans. People have been saying this in discords and forums long enough for Blizz to do anything.

Exactly, but it is getting there.

laughs in hunters getting weekly nerfs at phase starts
meanwhile shamans sipping on their tea whilst being good as any spec in PvP in any content. Doesn’t take much to see that it needs to be rebalanced to a more fun way to play against it.

Yet your skill level determines if you can be effective in PvP and thus need less time to achieve those very same rewards as anyone else. You are somewhat right but not entirely.

Say that in a few months if the servers become monofaction like cata, I pray not but if that is how it ends that is just on them then.

Ok, so I think I worded myself badly haha. What I meant to say was hunters are completely broken in AV, which is where the majority of PvP is currently happening.

You are trolling yourself at this point if you truly believe PVP is the more popular activity in WoW than PvE. This screams “I want it to be so, therefore it is”

SoD can be used as a case study at this point for why most people engage with PvP, it’s the PvE rewards.

I have played long enough to remember when arenas were introduced and every average(and far below average) Joe was queueing arenas just to get Karazhan level gear with much, much less hassle. Then they introduced rating on gear and they shot themselves in the head, not foot, when it comes to encouraging PvP participation.

If fighting other players would have been “the bomb” people would fight in the middle of AV for 6 hours instead of rushing to the boss to get the good PvE off-hand.

You can sing the song of PvP is dead due to horde racials and Shamans all you want, people stopped queueing the moment they got their “BiS” item from WSG or AB.

As Miylee and others pointed out, PvP, historically has been a side show from day one. It was an easy win for the devs back in the day to keep certain people subbed with minimal development effort. It was good and fun at times but a side show nonetheless.

All the clues are in front of you yet you can’t accept reality. If Shamans were the satan of PvP in SoD, as you and others like to claim, a lot more would have happened. Devs have no incentive to pick favorites, even paladins for that matter.

Maybe, just maybe, Shamans aren’t the doomsday class, you and others, constantly harp on about and the devs are aware of this, they have the best data.

It sucks YOU can’t seem to get a handle of dealing with Shamans but others clearly have and the devs are aware of this.

Humans and Dwarves clear BWL and AQ just as fine as Orcs and Trolls, nobody is about to throw all their progress on their faction to switch to another faction just so they can participate in a semi-dead side-show that is PvP.

That sounds so good in theory but it is horrible in practice. I was playing during the times they introduced rating requirements to buy gear in TBC.

In season one and two even “mom and pop” type of players queued arena to use that gear in PvE(just like in SoD).

Some even discovered this way they either enjoyed PvP or were naturally better at it than others, and it became their main activity since then on.

Starting with season three rating was required to get gear. I remember the overwhelming majority of casual guildies that dabbled in arenas dropped out. When before it was so easy to cap points for the week suddenly you couldn’t get people to join anymore.

Suddenly everyone started stressing over rating, acting as if they had a chance to get gladiator. People were much more toxic since suddenly losing games meant a longer grind to get weapons or whatever.

Suddenly the gladiator-material players had an even bigger advantage over the rest, gear was an issue all of a sudden. When before a weak player could get fully geared and fight against a gladiator on equal footing, numbers wise, now the glad had even the numbers advantage besides skill.

TLDR: assigning rating to gear just isn’t the solution, it has been tried before and it did no favors to the PvP scene.

PS: I didn’t mean to hit you particularly with the wall’o’text but a lot of people in these forums keep repeating that linking rating to gear is a good thing, it’s really not and “history” has shown as much.

And the PvEers posting the exact same just replacing the word to PvE is not so? Whos trolling whom?

P2 and P3 still had AB and WSG queues because people legitmately enjoyed it outside of the honor gain. People also still played BM event. So much for people doing PvP just for “rewards”.
What exactly happened again in WoTLK when Alliance had 1 racial to beat every horde racial in the game at that time? People still played it, but alliance had longer queues. Sound familiar? Same thing from classic, different faction with better PvP racials.

What you and Miylee pointed out*. PvP had a similar amount of changes as PvE. Surely what the two of you call “side show” would realize with the changes in place that maybe there are more players doing PvP than you actually think.

Hahahhahahahaaahhaahhahaahahahahahhaah, the buff trade from P1 up to P4 was heavily in horde favor. Alliance got HoL and WF against Horde getting Kings, Tank threat buff + Freedom/Melee soak.

how ironic coming from a shaman/horde player, you sure you not looking at a mirror? literally pointless to talk to people that lack experience in this game.

Your post history is the epitome of “lacks experience”, you don’t know :poop: about my experience, besides what you like to imagine. Who the hell is a serious PvP enthusiast (like you constantly style yourself to be) and joins a seasonal server like SoD for PvP.

Maybe in this thread alone, this discussion has been had so many times before, I was including those too.

It’s not only PVEers saying that, moving on

Check warcraft logs for the number of players participating in raiding. Go to any battlemaster and check how many BG instances are available, do the math based on battleground size and instances open over the course of a week to get a ballpark number
 if you can’t reach the obvious conclusion at this point
 no one can help you and you are just the equivalent of the guy starting a fight with a door that is supposed to be pushed instead of pulled.

You can cry if you feel like, does good to you, no need to hide it.

It’s not like it was the main source of honor during those times no? People were queueing AB and WSG to rank and when AV happened everyone went straight to that because of honor/hour and the new reputation rewards
 oh boy you are something else.

Guys , I don’t know if you have problems with reading but the title explicitly says “PvE”. You are a little bit off topic here.

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Just thought I’d pop in to say the 8 second cooldown on lock and load was removed.

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