Range hunter in PVE in phase 5

Basically unplayable.

I get the complaints in pvp. But why does the rotation in PvE had to be completely destroyed like that ? Did the dev even tried the changes they put into the game ?

Because the new hunter how it is supposed to be played in P5 is absolutely disgusting. And I’m not talking about the DPS output since rogue and druids that are outperforming us didn’t get destroyed. The rotation is cranky , with a lot of dead time , back to classic auto shot.

I don’t get the logic behind it , can somebody try to explain it ?

Another bad part is that it won’t change anything in PVP…


I don’t think anyone will ever know how blizz go about making decisions (unless some disgruntled ex employee does an expose)

I mean it’s mainly down to one thing ultimately :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

For sod, my view is they didn’t plan it out enough / not enough testing / talented staff / good management /time allowed to work on project etc etc the list is long indeed

Least our AH is working eh

they have completely gutted range hunters, this needs addressing asap.

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For those unaware about the change :

Lock and load have a 8 seconds cooldown when triggered .

So if you use frost trap, it proc lock and load, you use chimera shot or anything, you use fire trap → no lock and load proc .

Did bwl on ptr and the rotation is much slower than before

Imagine being a destro lock. not decent set bonuses. not exactly S tier anyway. which im fine with btw. rather enjoy the class/spec more than anything. time will tell i guess. currently not overly joyous that as a destro support lock ( the only lock in guild) im being for want of a better word Effed over big time.

So do i play a gimped spec for the support of the raid or do i go affliction as blizzard seem hellbent on supporting that spec more than anything losing the support role.

The new rotation with the 8 sec cd on lock and load feels super clunky and makes the class way less enjoyable for me to play. I think how the rotation currently works is alot more fun, cant the devs just nerf the damage a bit instead of changing the entire playstyle of my class? Why do they feel the need to make gamebreaking changes to hunter every month, frost trap no longer working with trap launcher at start of p4, destroying melee hunter at the end of p3… should prob just reroll to another class if this is how they treat hunter.

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Sorry hunters, but you’ve once again been gutted in PVE because you were too strong in PVP.

Blizzard should really just scrap PVP in Classic and stop trying to balance classes around it.

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Throughout all the SOD phases, hunters have been suffering big and sometimes even unsubstantiated nerfs alone due to pvp balance. As the only class we have suffered from devs. trying to balance us up against a pvp game that just dont matter in 2024. Pvp was partly relevant as game mode in vanilla not since.

It so aggravating thise constant nerf changes. Melee was very nice and then overnight unplayebel. Now this its just an endless circle of being annoyed…and especialy cuz it due to catering to pvp Andyes.

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I’m sure a lot of hunters, myself included, can understand that people are frustrated with hunters in pvp. However, this change barely even impacts pvp, it’s simply a pve nerf. And to make it worse, it really screws our rotation… I would rather they just gave us a %-nerf instead of destroying our rotation.

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They actually did both. The Lone wolf damage bonus has been decreased from 35% to 30%, so its basically 5% dmg nerf.

TBH rotation is going to be fun and skill again and I am looking forward. P4 rotation was worth of 1 button macro and I was falling asleep on some bosses. But I don’t understand dmg nerf when we are not even top dps.

Edit: Actually the new rotation seems still quite sh*tty I hope I am wrong.

Honestly you PvE andies really need to be compensated in a gamemode which is designed to be beaten with proper prep work. The bad takes about PvP not mattering is almost the same with PvE.
PvP matters more than PvE, sorry to say the truth.
Like all the times PvE gets nerfed because of people just wanna facerolling the content instead of challenging it, absolutely insane this community mindset. The only good nerfs were towards the resistences in BFD and armor values in Gnomer, ST was fine being harder than those two.
Meanwhile PvP is a dumpster fire thanks to an overtuned faction based class and AV being heavily horde favored. That should be addressed first and foremost as AV is literally the only BG going atm and alliance hardly having a chance.

This change had nothing to do with PvP balance, anyone who played hunter this phase could have told you that the PvE rotation is bad - and that is what Blizzard are trying to fix - problem is that blizzards fix is making it kind of worst (the change basically makes having 6 set T1 into an interesting rotation, but other than that its meh) - and you’re “expert” take is that it was due from PvP balance - when hunters dont even use 2x LnL as a rotation in PvP.

Still clueless and yet posting about hunters - Miylee at it again.

Same for retri paladin.

The new set bonuses are so out of touch it’s hillarious

What happened to ‘lol blocked ez’?

No, it doesn’t. PVP was an afterthought, there weren’t even any rewards for PVP at the start of the game.

What has SoD even added for PVP? The ZG event, nice. The Ashenvale event? That was a PVE rush for rep that basically meant you don’t have to play WSG anymore.

Did they just nerf or did they give something in return?

(1.35 - 1.30) / 1.35 = 0.03704... 3.7%, to be precise :)
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Just a pure nerf, nothing to compensate LnL or Lone Wolf nerf.

A little boost for melee hunter though.

That’s so not true, I could literally say:

  • WSG/AB low level rewards
  • STV arena chest giving a good trinket
  • STV event with class specific rewards, AB turnins, honor turnins and mounts for both 40 bracker and 50 bracket
  • mount that somehow worked on the nightmare incursion entrance ramp
  • headpiece with crit reduction
  • usual WSG items

It’s not an afterthought as much as you wanna claim it.

I meant at the start of the same, as in the actual game; not SoD.

So basically, a way for PVE players to get PVP rewards without grinding PVP.

Wave, you’re not reading what I’m telling you.

The Ashenvale event wasn’t ‘PVP’, it was a boss race that meant PVE players could get all the ‘PVP’ rewards without ever doing a single bit of PVP.

That is as anti-PVP as you can get.