For me class design is absolutely paramount to the overall experience. If I don’t like my class, how am I going to enjoy anything that there’s to do in the game since I experience all of it through that design that I don’t like?
Well like to me the way that the classes work, the way it is rewarding is the “main” reason why I play.
I can do boring Apexis daily Q’s if the tool I use (my class) is fun and rewarding.
In BfA world all classes are watered down with no interaction with the gear you have, so I just can’t enjoy it.
Class designers should have been released from the cellar a little sooner.
The burning crusade
Damn I’m glad I won’t be playing with the guys who rank WoD above TBC come Classic. good riddance
Wotlk. The lore!!!
Tbc. My 1st full. Great.
Legion i enjoyed it. But the friends of the past were gone.
Mop. Not bad but the dungeons were the worst.
Cata. Bad. Reshsping the world? Why? I had fun just in firelands.
Not played wod.
If only BFA was the same and I all I had to do was raid and PvP I’d be very happy.
TBC > WoTLK > MoP > WoD > Cata > BFA > Legion
didn’t play during vanilla so can’t really rank it anywhere
So in short you like expansions with least amount of things to do? Aight.
1.TBC - despite some of its ancient system, it was the best expansion.
2.WotLK - continuing the hype of TBC, it dropped the ball with the easy dungeons and Nax, but then redeemed itself with Ulduar and ICC.
3.Classic (late version) - a lot of hit and miss, but Classic turned out a game that nobody that played it would ever forget.
4.Legion (after 7.2) - an amazing expansion ruined by RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG.
5.MoP - catered to the asian market it turned out way better than what anyone expected. Great raids and good class gameplay for the most part.
6.Cata - It had a good start, Bastion of Twilight and Black Wing Desent were amazing, Nefarian and Chogall constantly spewing funny nonsense during the raid cracked me up every time. It made a turn for the worse later on, especially with LFR.
7.WoD - Boring, mobile game simulator. Atleast it didn’t have Titanforge.
N.BFA - can’t see Activision making a worse expansion.
I only started playing in pandaria so my list is:
- Legion - the most fun I’ve had in WoW, raided till the very last week of bfa pre-patch
- Pandaria - good fun - lots of stuff to do, everything looking really good
- BfA - not quite sure if this should be on the same level than wod, I have played considerably less than in wod even where I spent time doing achievements, now not even that appeals to me
- WoD - I hope there will never be an expansion that would fall below wod cos that would be unimaginable
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