Ranked Soloque

I’ll just leave it here:

The community is already toxic, there is no point in not implementing this feature


Please Blizzard, no one wants to wait 30 minutes for a toxic player in lfg.


It can be only a dream. There was a plenty community big attemps to please Blizzard do it, but they have no plans. As Kaleiki said in A&Q - problem in financing . Small indie multi-billioner company©.


30 minutes? I Waited for an hour, played 2 games and m8 is gone. Next hour to find someone.

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Hour? - i waiting 2-4 hrs to find a grp in LFG to play RBG. Kekw.


I don’t give a damn about Q&A’s. I am paying for this game and i want to see this feature implemented. End of story. Otherwise I’ll vote with my wallet and I suggest you to do the same.

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Or they don’t care - most of the players are PvE. They even can tuning and redesign all Torghast anima power for the class for a few days and can’t fix something for PvP in a month/months.

Or how about that? https://www.wowhead.com/news=320692/shadowlands-hotfixes-for-january-29-2021-kyrestia-the-firstborne-wings-change

Covenants table is so important to tuning. Kekw.

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WT* are they doing? Majority of player pop is currently in pvp because of gearing system and pure fun of it. Insted of doing something that can hold paying players and bring new ones, they are tuning least important thing in the game.
Shame on you Bli$$ard!

Idk, i’m really like sometimes to play RBG, but when i remember how many hours i need to spend in LFG and this random LFG guys who have no clue what to do, rarelly do any proper DPS and don’t listen my TC, never kick and rarelly use CC-s or personla DCD-s i just don’t want to. Thats why i play 1 day/per week till weekly chest cap. Don’t care about this elte set and other things. Its just awfull. If i can decide what i want - toxic solo ranked ques or this, i preffer toxic solo ranked q-s. This what in WoW just a huge wasting of time, thats kill any wish to play ranked in general.


so good the idea! savix king of solo queue :smile: please blizzard give us soloqueue, the lfg thing is so outdated and annoying, lfg is full of toxic people, friendlist getting smaller everyday, im not playing this game too waste my time for hours of looking for people… literally every game these days got solo queue… PLEASE Blizzard just listen to your pvp community, to the people that care about this game.


Solo queue would literally not do anything but make more people play.

I don’t think anyone has advocated for the removal of the prestige of 3v3. Gladiator mounts and titles would still exclusively be from premade 3v3. So the point it devalues the current system is pretty mute.

Solo queue as a separate bracket would only alleviate the very real problem players face of spending more time looking to play than actually playing.


LFG is luck roulette , u never know how its going and how this grp will play - no achi or cr not protect you to play with bad player in general, its not check logs as in PvE. So why just wasting so much time, when there is can yolo q. This is the same, but without so much time invest. Yes, people just will play more often.
In PvE good guilds or guilds that working on progress never ever invited you without good logs. Achievements is a dust, nothing - u can be boosted, ez. Even if u have 12/12 myth this content says nothing. In PvP u can’t check players like that.PvP LFG is just fortune telling.

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bump soloq posts

With SOLOQUE, you will be queued iwth people you dont know. And like Overwatch or any other game, if you come across teammates you find good and atmosphere nice, then add them to your friendlist and keep queueing with them!

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