Ranking alliance cities

Now that I am a bit on the other side I give my impressions how I liked the several hubs so far I had the time stopping by. Let’s go.

  1. Stormwind. Found so much public RP it was a whole new experience. Never seen something similar in Orgrimmar so far and I was in tears that I could just emote to people without planning an event first. Top notch. Best city ever.

  2. Bel’ameth. Despite not as big as Darnassus you can see the heartblood Blizzard poured into it. Some Nelf guilds returned to it for actual RP and are haboring different parts of the town at least on my server. And Amidrassil looks like a real tree compared to Teldrassil.

  3. Boralus. Just like Stormwind Blizzard seems to love designing human stuff and it shows. Kul Tiran humans aren’t popular but the location is chef’s kiss. Also the boat models blow the graphics off and I found myself sitting on some of them just toi experience the atmosphere it radiates.

  4. Ironforge. Dwarfs aren’t my cup of tea but the sturdy fortress they made for themselves and feels very warm and cozy. Thanks to TWW their race got the most updates and some Earthen Guild concepts are around now. My Earthen is Horde so I couldn’t join sadly but in time this might no longer be an issue in the close future.

  5. Exodar. Sadly Draenei are very much non active and I know no guild concepts on my server considering Draenei are a dying race and I assume they just sucked up by Stormwind city guard guilds or the argent crusade. I give it a visit but no public RP from what I have seen.

  6. Gilneas. By far the worst. Despite the vendors and boat route it got the place is totally dead and Worgen RPers either stay human most of the time or get vanished into the pack stuff which is not backed by canon lore.
    Sad ending for maybe the best starter area Blizzard ever made since the Franchise went off in 2004. Hopes to the future it gets a revamp with the rest of the old world.

  7. Gnomeregan. Lol no. You know why.

I didn’t put in the allied races because despite them having hubs it is obvious they are not designed to make a lot of people go there in any capacity. Too smal and all the action is out in the world.

This was a funny first month as alliance member and I hope to meet alot of new people as I continue visiting every capital from time to time.

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Well, I don’t RP but Ironforge is my absolute favorite Alliance city. I spent a lot of time there during my TBC times.

The snowy mountains, the cozy town, the fun vibe, it all brings so many memories.

Stormwind is too bright and boring for my taste. Elwyn forest is beautiful though.

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Ver2 pls go horde cities

No need for that. I am no longer at the Horde.