Ranking decay during deletion! Bug?

I was told by many rankers and streamers that if u delete your character you stop the ranking decay during the period of the delete. I did some research and found several players and even some streamers who could vouch this actually works. So i delete my character for 5 weeks and my character still looses 2 full ranks.
I searched for HOURS trying to find if this was bannable or something like that and found nothing about it being fixed or such, players that did this also say they have found nothing. So i assumed it was okay.

I was told by the support staff to report this as a bug and make a post on the forums as they had no idea and could not restore ranks without more information.

Is this fixed or some kind of bug, Anyone with some info?

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a true pvper would relish the chance to keep earning their rank infact they should bring back ranking decay to all currently ranked pvp

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