To be fair, right now if you get to cast DA, Halo and PI you can absolutely Crank with the Flay damage . but it takes 3 globals + cast to even get ready to burst.
But i’ve had a few times in Test realm where i cranked people death with 3 insanity flays in a row. The problem is getting there without being kicked, stunned or taking any kinda of CC which completely ruins your go.
- dont even get me started on how bad Voidweaver is.
So i don’t think it’s a damage issue, its a toolkit issue.
and let me be clear, any caster will oneshot you right now if you let them freecast. The thing is that other casters have ways to make windows to get cast off - or thier instant cast dots ( looking at affli/destro wither ) will proc thier burst.
Where when playing shadow you need 3-4 globals of pure freecasting before you can even start cranking out your dps , which then also can be CC’d.
This would to some degree be fine if shadow had anything else to offer, like crazy team utility or offheals. But currently we have “nothing”
Ofourse the Silence , fear healer . stun go target is always strong - but its also very telegraphed and easy to counter. And we don’t bring gateways or healthstones like locks, our offheals are trash ( like legit wasted GCD )
and the whole Stun, fear, silence combo also requires you to somehow weave in your burst between that, which currently is so hard with our requirements to cast everything.
I hate PI and want to see it burn, it’s been a stable explanation to why shadow cant have anything.
at somepoint in time shadow had really decent dot pressure, and on thier go’s had lethal damage on demand to put on top of thier CC combo’s. so that if you executed it well it was damn straight amazing. outside of go’s you were trying to keep up dots and apply pressure, while supporting your team with offheals, dispells etc. Currently dispells and especially mass dispell ( which used to be crazy good ) have gotten nerfed so hard into the ground that they are barely worth casting. And offhealing is completely gutted…
I mean i dunno, i just wish they would fix some of the problems all SP players have been raising for years now.
- if you look outside pvp, there are major issues for SP’s in PVE . majorly being a long CD kick/silence - weak CC compared to a lot of other classes, lack of mobility .
and then the fact that it takes far to long to ramp up damage, and that they currently do not have access to any sort of AOE Spender abiliity . I love and adore DP, but thats not gonna help you a lot when you are doing packs in Mythic +20 then you want to be able to do some big aoe cleave damage. ( all other classes have access to some sort of big / spender ability for this )
Shadow priest just seems like a spec stuck 10 years in the past, with developers that dont know what they are doing.
I think Destro and affliction warlock have gotten exactly the right kind of tools they need to thrive in modern wow over the last year.
That being instant cast for most of thier damage, heavy dispell protection ( healer actually needs to think before dispelling )
and other QOL stuff, but for some insane reason shadow have gotten nothing of this.
Like i want a sp version of jinx where i can instantly apply all my basic dots with 1 Global !?
i have less mobility and are less tanky than a warlock, they can have it, but i can’t ? - How does that makes sense.
Why do Warlock get to instantly cast they burst cooldowns, while i have to full cast 2-3 globals before i can even start bursting?
Why do they have a permanently applied 50% slow, while i have to hard cast to slow for that amount ?
I hope people see my point here.
NB. im 4 beers in today, sorry for the lack of cohesion.