(RANT) Shadow Priest

just give mind sear that you can click spam like mind flay.

What they need to do is make halo VF and DA instant cast.

Also add a new talent casting while in Dispersion.- Maybe with reduced damage done.

Casting while within [Dispersion] is tricky… pre-empting offensive cooldowns and applying [Shadow Word: Pain] [Vampiric Touch], and [Devouring Plague] then switching into [Dispersion] could help.

Reintroduction could of click-spam [Mind Sear] could be useful, against stealth openers anyway. In PvE it is nice for mythics.

Give Halo its own scool maybe

Dark ascendtion is a must too be insta, you have PvP Talents that build arround if you get hit by meeles its shorten the cooldown of DA and you burst ground stuff that horrows enemys, UNLUCKY for shadow atm. You need too hardcast it useless

Your Dot apply VT would be cool if we could run and cast it, also a real dispell protaction that actuall punish dispells could help

Thats why ive suggested they make so spell casters can run and cast stuff like hunters.

Having Halo on it’s on School would be a nice little QOL update, but it doesn’t really matter all that much with all the micro CC in the game / lack of GCD’s.

Even if we got these spell we can cast while moving - maybe our empowered flays and void torrent ( could be cool )
It doesn’t change the underlying issue - you will still move with 50% movement speed due to slows, and still have people do nothing but train you / stop you cast.

We need a way to make room for us to get our casts off, just like every other class is capable off .

  • Once again looking at destro warlock wither being instant, doing 50% of thier damage, having all other damage being instant or quick casted proc’ing from wither *

make DA VF instant cast also change dispersion to make us able to cast while inside it maybe.

Also make halo instant cast.

Shadow Priest in arena games must create their own space, that’s part of the fun and why the class is tricky to play well. It is extremely challenging to ‘boost’ or ‘carry’ as a Shadow Priest because of this but, it must be accepted either way. The suggestion of a void opening of some kind seems like a good idea though… not teleport or blink…but [Shadow Void: Levitate].

Instant cast [Dark Ascension] is a must. Dispersion and cast… I will not complain.

One think i notice what would help so much if you would start or run arround basic with 50 insanity and not zero

Its took very long too get thinks going and ramp up, when i wait for my BG qs and farm herbs and chests i specc disc too kill quick mops because my damage from scratch is higher as disc

Bonus unfurling darkness could give every 30sec a buff that VT is insta, mean if you start a fight you apply VT insta have over 50 insanity apply your plaque and you are rdy too pump