Rant Time!

  1. quit removing players for silly mistakes, they get 30 minute dungeon ban.
  2. Why the rush? these are not Mythic runs in Retail, Classic isn’t designed to rush the content.
    you want a challenge or HARD content? then go and run high end Mythic pluses in Retail (if ya can that is)
  3. Cata, player base is very toxic, quit the attitude.
  4. you’re ruining the game

This is the attitude since TBCC, at least what I noticed. All the HR/GBID/GDKP sh*t is the perfect environment for this bacteria to grow and since nothing was ever done to stop it now we have what we have. Expect only to get worse.


Playing cara classic make me appreciate retail more tbh


betting it’s gehennas yet again they love to kick for what is there idea bad gameplay


It has been like this for the first 2-3 months after every expansion so far, then after a while things will mellow up.

Essentially you just need the zoomer kids to dropoff and focus on the next new thing.


Cata is not classic…


Just delete cataclysm at this point.

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Avoid pugs by making your own group.

It requires a little more effort, but its worth it.

The further we get innto classic, the less “classic” it becomes, and the more “retail” it becomes. And ppl wanted classic since they where fed up with retail. Then they started to demand more retail features to make life easier. LFG, LFR, faster lvling. And now we are back at where we left off. Toxic pugs, toxic lfg, soon toxic lfr. You asked for it. You got it. Welcome to retail 2.0.


Better yet: join a guild! Make some friends, have fun, no need to RMT for your items.

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Heroic raid pug? 2-5 hours in the que.

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Spot on! Cata is a Retail dumping ground, former Retail players who can’t play the game successfully, fail in M+ because the content is hard, but then jump into Cata rush the dungeons and go toxic again because they fail once again in Cata.
I can see why the original release of Cata saw a massive decline in the player base.
I find it astonishing that we get a 30 minute ‘dungeon deserter’ punishment when getting removed from a group, it’s bad design.
It’ll dwindle again the player base, it’s only a matter of time.

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“Cataclysm Classic” as is the name, begs the differ.
People do have their own definitions of what “classic” is.
Some say 1-60, others 1-80.

Oh you silly child if you actually think cata is classic you have no concept or idea of what clsssic really is therefore your opinion means absolutely nothing. You don’t realise how stupid you’ve made yourself look. You’ve also put 1-80 which is wrath max lvl so what leafs are you smoking you’re not even quoting cata numbers you incel.

You’re an odious little child. Thread after thread after thread. YOU do not get to decide what is and isn’t classic. Stop throwing your toys out of the pram and find a different game.

No you don’t get to decide what’s classic you disinformation spreader cata is not classic are u thick or just an ignorant brat ?

The fact you think cata IS classic is absolute embarrassing to say the least

Every single expansion they re-release is classic by definition, your own definiton inside your little head doesnt matter. dragonlands classic hype

What would you say are the silly mistakes?. I kick players for never interrupting or doing like 5k dps. I am in no rush at all but. I wont carry lazy people. And I talk only in hcs. I dont care in lower level dungeons

Indeed. The fact that they introduced a bunch of features that came from WoD (or later) in Phase 4 of Wrath without anyone raising concern is indicative of what the playerbase wants.

Wrath really was the turning point though, not Cataclysm. Blizzad went into Wrath with #somechanges and a blog post talking about maintaining the integrity of what made Classic Classic – and the playerbase seemingly didn’t care for it. I did, I thought they were spot on, but I am obviously in the minority. I wanted them to stick to their guns and not reintroduce the LFD.

Buuut instead it gets reintroduced, and when Cata launches we see Blizzard, for the first time in Classic, go with post-nerf content. Because pre-nerf dungeons were hell for the LFD crowd. Because people had gotten accustomed to steamrolling content without communicating, and they were encouraged to do so to experience the dopamine thrills of collecting rewards. At this point you could fill the LFD with bots, and so long as the bot performed somewhat well the average player likely wouldn’t care that they were playing in a team with bots. They probably wouldn’t have noticed it in the first place, since people themselves act as bots so long as everything goes okay.

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