Rare upgrade stones

It’s nice that you can target pets right in your collection to upgrade them… BUT beware! Make sure you have no pet as your target as it will upgrade them EVEN if they are Rare! I was unlucky to have wasted 3-4 stones like this as I was trying to target one of my pets in my collection and I was wondering why would it not get upgraded only to find out I had a targeted summoned pet (target frame hidden behind collection menu).
If a pet is already rare these stones shouldn’t be usable on them like they were in the past.
Blizzard please fix this!!! (oh and send me my rare stones back thank you :slight_smile: :slight_smile: )



I couldn’t reproduce this.

I summon a Grey pet and target it.

I then click on a Blue pet in my roster and use the stone. The result is that the Grey pet that I have simmoned and targeted gets upgraded. Well, that’s just me targeting the wrong pet, though I do see how you coul make that mistake.

However, trying to use any more Blue stones gives the error “Pat cannot be upgraded”, which means I’m not wasting Blue stones upgrading a pet that is already Blue.

I can’t contrive a situation where I am wasting a Blue stone on a pet that is already Blue.


In my situation the gray pet was the one in my queue (Rematch addon) and the summoned one was a blue pet. The summoned pet got hit by 3-4 consecutive rare stones until I realized that was the one targeted. I will try to reproduce it and share a video.

Edit: Ok this seems to have been hotfixed. I get an error message “Failed to Upgrade Pet”. All good :slight_smile: ! Carry on catching pets… gotta catch’em all!

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