Rares not dropping any loot after DF launch and first kill

After killing rares on my main and my 12 alts, i haven’t seen a single piece of loot drop from any of the rares in DF. This was supposed to be fixed, but doesn’t seem like it. This is insanely frustrating.

After 42hours of gameplay on my mage in level 70 I can confirm that some rare spawns are bugged for a smaller portion of the player base.

I first came across the rare Ty’foon the Ascended, when playing my alt druid. The NPC showed up on the minimap and I noticed that my addon that tracks rares shows the NPC as well. I killed it and was able to loot it. As the Staff dropped by this NPC is interesting to my mage I went there immediately. Knowing the spawn I flew straight into the cave, killed Ty’foon the Ascended again but it wasnt possible to loot. Then I noticed my addons were not able to track it, the minimap not able to show it - and I started comparing my map from my druid to my mage and theres quite a few rares that dont show up. So I went around on my mage and killed them all - and could confirm in same time that they dont show as rares on the nameplate, they dont show on the minimap and their not possible to loot.

I checked wowhead for the same rares and some of these rares have comments from other players, describing the same issue.

What I have attempted is the following:

  • Disable every addon
  • Port orgrimmar and test with and without Warmode
  • Cleared WTF folder

I was thinking it might be quest phasing me, so I also tried to remove all quests. I know I proceeded with a lot of side quests on my mage during the first 24 hours, so I dont know if that is playing a role here, but thats kinda hard to test.

Hope someone can confirm/look into this and possible resolve it, if this isnt fixed by reset tomorrow.

Reading around on the forum, these posts might be related:

anyone have an update on this? its still an issue after reset

Also experiencing this. I’ve got rares that I haven’t killed in 3 days not reset yet.

Looks like it’s only those rares not attached to an achievement that aren’t resetting.

Been killing rares since release day and only ever got loot on first kill. I thought the weekly reset would fix it but it hasn’t. This is applying to all characters I kill the rare on. Please fix this Blizz, rares are basically all I have to do right now.

For clarification, it seems to count for every rare I kill, including Obsidian Citadel rares etc.

Yes, I am experiencing this as well. However, I only experience the issue on my mage, not on my other characters.

Still not resolved with yesterdays hot fixes listed here for me.


Ah that just makes it worse if it’s completely random. I was hoping for the crossbow on my hunter, and can’t until the rare is refreshed/fixed/whatever term you wish to use.

This is still happening for me as well. Every character I’ve taken to the Isles and killed rares with is affected by this, including some alts I brought to the Isles literally just yesterday - their rares have not reset this morning.

This is so annoying.

Edit: Blizzard are literally incapable of letting me submit a ticket about this. Can I at least get some kind of Blue acknowledgement? This seems like a huge problem.

Only a “real” problem this week. Moving forward its meh when m+ opens up I guess… annoying but well… big game, they promised us update before xmas and we got it, with a list of bugs - but we got our game. Don’t get me wrong tho, its very frustrating…