Rarest Item you own?

Some do still work. I have some of the items that those bosses drop.

The warlock summoning for the mount, in Dire Maul, also still works.

It is no longer obtainable and was only obtainable for a very short time.

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Arcanite Ripper. I got at the time in TBC, not off the Black market.
Lots and lots of recipes you can’t get anymore.
Argent dawn tabard.
Some scourgestones and other stuff from that event.
Dartol’s Rod of Transformation.
Some BG stones.
Kara Event bat pet.
Baby Blizzard bear.
Many more limited time only pets.
And many others I can’t remember.

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I don’t think I have anything rarer than Bindings of the Windseeker in the bank.

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i have 20 of them in my alt guild bank

Probably the Big Battle Bear is the rarest thing I’ve got, maybe the spectral gryphon as well.

Also Zulian tiger and the weapons from ZG (warblades of the hakkari, bloodcaller and zinrokh).

Got lots of old blacksmithing things too.

ZG raptor I guess (both versions actually), and MOP challenge mounts heh

i own the 5million mount
multiple rare mounts like invincible
tier set from pre patch WotLK " undead % dmg one "
tabard of argent dawn
scarlet crusade tabard
and numerous now removed items
haunted memento x20
WoD challenge tmogs for getting gold rating
legion mage tower artifact skins

i also own the bounty of the feast that conjures food on a 18hour cooldown on my rogue

this dk is exalted with Zulaman raid before they removed it too, which i thought was a feat not many DK’s will have

these are just a few i can think of at top of my head

Probably the Felsteel Annihiliator or the Infinite Timereaver. Not that rare but its something.


Tons of uncooked meat. :cut_of_meat:

It’s the Obsidian Worldbreaker, or the Illidari Doomhawk. I missed a lot of seasonal or limited stuff but these were easy to get when they were up.

Probably the bear from Legion mage tower. :bear:


My “deaths demise” title

Nothing speicial. Infinite timereaver mount or something like that probably.

Goldshire inn bed on argent dawn until it was taken by some gang of people.

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Timereaver is rare m8 over 1000 runs and still no mount :sweat_smile:

I don’t know is this rare, but this shaman has plate helmet on!

I guess Ashes of Al’ar counts


Don’t login or it won’t, anymore.

I just actually tested it and it still on ingame :grin: and also ravager that was removed from game