Rate the Death Knight transmog above you - Part 11

damn good 8/10
but it looks like warrior I guess?

I love it - it's original and awesome. You look like a risen undead gladiator!
7/10 too many dreadwake pieces
A bit too basic in my opinion. Moreover pieces with fur inner lining are completely unacceptable for the warm climate in BFA locations.
09/08/2018 19:48Posted by Truffle
A bit too basic in my opinion. Moreover pieces with fur inner lining are completely unacceptable for the warm climate in BFA locations.

Not bad, but the helm seems a bit odd with that set. Good looking though.

I always thought skirts are weird for melees but other than that its fine. 6,5/10
not even a mog mate

I like it, it's pretty cool but that face tho haha.

Really cool minimalistic and original
8.5/10. The helmet looks a bit off.
Its good, but offhand sword do not match.

Fits well together, 9/10
6/10 Not really a fan of flames on DKs.
4/10 not a fan of the models and the colorpalette is just kinda weird
21/08/2018 10:51Posted by Kagejinn
4/10 not a fan of the models and the colorpalette is just kinda weird

Nice slippers
0/10 because your plate but look like a cloth

wep enchant doesn't fit really, get nightmare from EN
7/10, I love the tmog, but it doesn't fit an undead.

ill give you 2 because i dont know what you are trying to look like? Holy dk? :)
9/10. Lost a point on the belt not matching the rest too well, but suitable belts are really hard to find sometimes.

3/10 @Taxania, green matches but not a fan of the random 'shiny' effects coming from the belt/weapon enchant, theme works overall but lacking in many area's i feel.