Rate the name above! šŸ™Œ

Rate the name of the character above you (1-10).
Feel free to add a Comment/Feedback, but please be gentleā€¦

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Fitting but I doesnā€™t sound night elf to me ears.

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How precise.

Itā€™s disturbing.

Like how it sounds, Easy to pronounce

As the lady lock just said use

I had to double-check I hadnā€™t made a mistake myselfā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A simulator post with the same question has been asked before, so what!?? Donā€™t be mean.

Character above 8/10

Whoā€™s being mean? Weā€™re commenting on just how similar the posts actually are. Read them yourself, itā€™s spooky.

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Love your name, suits a darnei

8/10 reminds me of my favourite Tekken character.

6/10, too simple, but sounds like a orc

Weirdly fitting a draenei female. 8/10

Great Elf-sounding name, somehow it really fits a DH too - It sounds like itā€™d have a cool surname like ā€œFelbaneā€ or something. Genuinely 10/10.

1/10, itā€™s sounds like you want to Shave a Villian.
1 rating just for the laughsā€¦

7/10 because it sounds like a chav saying ā€˜botherā€™ like Vickery Pollard from Little Britain.

Giving you a solid 7/10.

Is it pronounced as ā€œSaā€ like the ā€˜German Sā€™ or ā€œBaā€?


Giving you 10/10 cause it sounds similar to Genghis Khan.

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I give you 8/10 for having 2 heroes in same name: Yol and ā€¦ oh wait! :rofl: