Rate the Rogue name above you!

Let's get this going!
Pretty self explanatory. From 1-10 how good is the Rogue's name above you?

Have not seen one of these posts for quite some time, so I thought it would be a nice thing to bring back to the Rogue Forums!
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5/10. Maybe if the o didn't have the accent I would have given you higher. ^^
8/10 very roguie name
5/10 cause of the accents.

Nice ring to it for a rogue.

Sounds cool
Not enough lightsabers.
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It's alright

Very much in our "class fantasy".
6/10 semi-fits a rogue.

Remember me of the vanilla Vancleef!!!!!
I like it my fellow gnome
6/10 mediocre, but has a gnomish sound to it
Nice name for a Swedish Rogue :) 7/10
^ Arya Stark owns this one, but still a good name for a rog :D 8/10.
6/10, don't know how I feel about it. :p
Fiting for a Assassination rogue 8/10
05/08/2016 11:20Posted by Stabistabi
Fiting for a Assassination rogue 8/10

10/10, reminds me of a joke which we have inbetween some friends.
6/10. You don't look very spooky.