Rate the transmog above you đŸ„ƒ

What’s wrong with my helm?

Ignore me, do the dwarf shammy.

Love your mog!! Very original for a dwarven shaman but gives me Wildhammer vibes! 10/10

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I like how you look your hair and skin go well with the cloths
and the entire look has a fishy arcane feel to it :smiley:

10 / 10

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That is very nice, clean and slick, love the weapon and shoulder combo, nice job! 9/10

Very nice, keeping the 7th legion aesthetic while not using set pieces.


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Amazing transmogs in this thread so far. :blush:

Some great ideas for those wanting to try out a new look. :grinning:


Can we get this thread stickied?


I’m getting tribal ghost chief with this and I love it 10/10.


I like how the chest piece fits the set

Thank you haha!! That was precisely the goal: Queen Azshara vibes!!

(Ignore beautiful old me)

9/10 seawitch, land-dwellers beware

8/10 Like how you’ve made it your own. Too bad Blizz doesn’t brush up on those old sets as many pieces are thematically cool despite being low-res. :frowning_face:

8/10 Always liked that plate set, used it on my Paladin while leveling.

Prefer it without a tabard and the original boots, but I see you’re going for the “Alliance Blue” here. Cool :slight_smile:

As for my set, I’ve used the 7th Legion leather set for the entirety of BfA. But with the war being over I guess it’s fitting to shelf it for now :slightly_smiling_face:
Now Saeryn is a free agent!

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Not normally a velf fan, but this minimalistic mog looks awesome (and let’s face it it’s hot). 9/10

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Looks like a sniper that will never leave until his target is dead. I approve. 8/10

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Fits your class, and do believe that everyone that you pass in the game with a leather class is dreaming and drooling after those shoulders haha! 9/10!

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8/10 is kinda goes together, evrn with naked belly, but i realy hate those masive boots

8/10 pretty solid, but -2 points for the fire-like glow, which isnt that fitting for a druid, imho.

I like how you matched your pieces to make a unique set as this one. 8/10.

Edit: apparently on mobile you can’t see the weapon in my main hand, but it’s Rune Sword and no, I’m not dual wielding.

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A nice blademaster look. Well done.
Do you use the blademaster standard toy in-game (burning blade)?



if you were to play another race that wouldve looked a bit meh, but on that orc it looks boss, doubt my elf would be able to pull off that look.
