Haven’t seen this kind of thread for a while
So let’s go;
8/10 realy good, the eye batch kind of is wrong color but not bad at all.
A bit lewd, but looks cool
Tho’ orange… very orange; what kind of hunter are you? If not in Vol’dun or Tanarris, you are very noticable!
But looks cool non the less
decent mog. i would reconsider the blade choices, but overall 8.5/10
Solid 8/10 not sure on mask or belt .
Goes together really well! Same colour throughout the full mog with is really nice! 9/10
7.5/10 - Feels pretty good for a pirate transmog (i hope you trying to achieve pirate look) yet im not a fan of your boots and weapons.
8/10 Did the Old Gods theme nicely, even utilizing a shirt instead of a chest piece.
But I ain’t a fan of the theme, so -1 for that!
This thread is constantly going on on the transmog forum thats why you dont see it.
7/10 look like a potion brewer or a casual mad scientist. Overall pretty neat look and idea but the pieces are just a little to plain for me. Definitely a classic set
I was going after a thug/brawler/pugilist look… mad scientist/alchemist?
Zugzug Monk…
Green skin, green items, green class except for blue orb headpiece it takes away the harmony and doesn’t fit with green…
Normally I’d say 6/10 but 6.5/10, 0.5 more points for hunched back.
The glasses and the bottle gave me that impression. Maybe switch bottle for a tankard?
Yeah I know but dont have better head pieces XD. Usually I use the blue staff to offset it a bit more.
Next person. Rate Gekko not me
I like the head skin! It’s nice!
But when I look on the naked chest I see before my eyes Hulk!
8/10 Very interesting. At first glance I thought it was another nzoth mog but its a well put together purple evil mog. It all works well together and brings focus to the tabard. Wish the tabard was just that little bit darker tho.
6/10 simple warlock mog. Good but has nothing interesting imo. Shoulders are just a bit off, otherwise would have been 7
Sadly it’s the only piece of it’s kind as plate
Doesn’t scream paladin and the colours are mismatch for me, can’t see a theme
4/10 and most of the points come from Tusks of Mannorth alone
You look like a human dressing up as a scary Horde for Halloween, you wanted to go as an Orc Warrior but your mum brought back an Undead costume so you combined the two.
Top it off with the boob tube? Not a fan.
Not impressed, looks like a full set minus the shoulders and the bow doesn’t match. 2/10
Pretty good, I’m impressed 10/10. Don’t let it get to your head
Very nice!
Tho’ with golden eyes would be better, but still