Rate the transmog above you - part 14

I like unsual looks, and your’s is definitly unusual so you get a +1 just for that.
Now, for the transmog itself. The skirt does match the hat pretty well, which in turn match your skin tone and eyes. It’s a nice overall blue theme without feeling like it is too much blue. The simple brown belt is a nice touch too.

Now, the chest and the weapons/bottles is where it kinda gets a bit weird.
I can’t really understand what’s exactly the idea or theme behind the mog, as both the bottles and the bandages seem random.
I am assuming you are like a drunk mage? If that’s the case the bottles fit, but the chest is kinda random, idk.

6/10 is what I would go for, but I gave you that +1 for uniqueness so in the end it’s a 7/10 just because the theme doesn’t seem clear enough, mostly because of the chest piece.

9/10 you look like a samurai and it’s awesome. Well done. Be 10/10 from me if it has a kantna like sword like the blade of hanna.


I really like it at first glance, you look pure evil. The skin/tattoo works well too.
It uses mostly one set though and there’s some major clipping issues with the helm and shoulders (though maybe not a problem in game).

Simple looking but none the less effective set.
The textures and colour scheme of the robe match the stained glass effect of the Light’s Wrath staff base skin quite well.
If you want a more updated robe, the LFR or Heroic tint from ToS might work well too. However, the sleeves won’t flare over gloves like your Black temple original. The belt from either would also give your look more 3D definition although, your current one does fit. Your shoulders also give it a Draenei twist too and pairs well with the cloak.

Nothing looks out of place when put together and viewed at as a whole.
Overall I’d say a solid 8/10.

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10/10, fits your race and class very well.

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Druidic but colors are bit mismatching imo. But if it works for you, hey!


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I like the tree theme nice job 8.5/10 :slight_smile:

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9/10 scary, you look like a follower of Nef rather than Gul’dan but I’d definitely quake if I saw you in Ashenvale :slight_smile:

My leveling alts have better mog than yours gurl 7/10.

Pretty decent. 8/10

9/10. I think you should’ve used the mythic hearpiece of ToS tier 3 but the match is still almost perfect. Maybe turn the eyes green to support the overall color.

It’s nothing fancy but that simplicity is the reason why it’s so good. Just raw steel everywhere, I like it. The chest piece is a little offputting tho, but not too much. The ashen hair is a very nice addition, and the hairstyle fits your overall look. Solid 8 / 10

I like it, i’d say 7/10 on a shiny sunny day

That’s a nice look for a druid no doubt, but unless I am mistaken that’s a full set, with the exception of the gloves which imo don’t fit very well. So, it’s a 7/10 from me.

7/10, not sure that particular green works.

Tellenis I’m not a fan of the helmet but I like everything else 9/10 :slight_smile:

And yes, I know that my little Dwarf Arms Warrior looks like a Paladin. That’s the point, it’s a Paladin/Alliance themed mog, slightly inspired by Magni and the dwarves from the Hobbit movies.

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Very nice mog. I like it, all fits well.
Would just say that, imo an Axe would look better, but that’s me I like axes on dwarves, plus when you said the LotR’s dwarves were your inspiration Gimli came to mind with his big double head axe.

9/10 because no axe xD

Edit: something like Ghostly Battle Axe would fit, I think.

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7.5/10 Pretty nice Samurai :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It looks pretty good! I like how you matched the color of the eye in the shoulder-pad with your character’s eye color. Very good!


Here’s my transmog for the sake of cleaner view:


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9/10 I really like it!

One thing I would change is I would use the legion engineering goggles, but that’s just a matter of taste.