Rate the transmog above you! šŸ¹

You look like a Prospectorā€¦ riding a donkey too? :sweat_smile:


Iā€™d say 5, a bit simple tbh, not a fan of really simple mogs.

EDIT: Not updated with my new mog :frowning:

I understand what you were going for, but the final result just looks like a mess honestly.

Iā€™m not sure I get it, if itā€™s some sort of quote, so Iā€™d give a 6/10 but if thereā€™s a meaning, I would gladly read it.

About me: weapon choice is just for it to disappear when holstered, so it looks like I have no weapons at all (thatā€™s the only dagger that disappears when sheathed)

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8/10, geting wild west wibes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Draenei females in a plate armor always look nice imo. I like the name as well very Draenei like.
I give it 9/10.

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Is the staff just a wee tad bright for the rest going on? Otherwise, looks good. Very menacing looking avatar. 8/10 from me. xD

Simple and clean, I like it. 8/10.

For mine, I took a screenshot because the armory doesnā€™t show the weapon illusion for some reason:

Full set, but I like your staff a lot! I donā€™t know what the illusion is, but it kicks up your gear a notch.


Itā€™s not a full set actually.
Itā€™s a mix between Venthyr gear from Shadowlands, questing gear from the Zaralek Cavern, and Bloody Tokens PvP gear.
The illusion is this seasonā€™s 2100 rating reward from PvP.

I like yours, I made a similar transmog for my Nightborne Priest. 6/10.
You should get those for the feet slot: https://www.wowhead.com/item=113798/shadowmoon-treads

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9/10 well done.

Very nice!
9/10 without a guestion

9/10 simple but I love the buccaneer vibes! what about a hat? :wink:

Looks nice! 8/10

(Sadly either eye-patch or hatā€¦ we canā€™t have both :sob: )


Very nice mog 10/10


Looks very nice. Like it. 10/10

So, I just won the Trial of Style wearing only my best pair of underpants. Turns out thatā€™s all you need. :laughing:

My eyes just meltedā€¦

Still working on mine, the chest is way out of placeā€¦

And blue
Nice contrast to the Red