Rate the transmog above you! 🍹

Edgy enough, I like it! 9/10

Very foreboding, like a traveling preacher having seen too much and carries that darkness with him.

Solid 10.

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We can’t access your armory and check out your transmog, friend: https://i.imgur.com/veFGg1W.png

My bad, ought to be fixed now.

8/10… ties the fire and light together nicely.

(imagine being home alone and seeing this little cutie staring at you from the hallway…

A skull-imp!!!
*Light’s judgement in da face baby! *


Clean and thematic, but a bit generic/uninspired as a result.

5/10 - It’s not really a transmog set just a full armour set if I’m seeing it right?
Though if it wasnt for that id likely go 7/10, looks like the borrowers with some table forks and bits and pieces for armour

9/10… very good. Nearly a full set but I love the purple light effects and how well it matches the staff.

7/10 suits your char.

It looks a bit messy, and it has a “questing gear” quality to it. Not a fan.

It’s alright, getting a bit of venthyr vibe. Nothing seems particularly memorable though, which would be my main criticism.

5/10, perfectly decent.

An actually great hunter mog and not even a full set :smile: (as if hunter sets were any decent, I only saw like half a dozen tops).

So with that in mind, 10/10.

Never will understand this “its a set” mindset… yes it is
Because wow is horrible when it comes to mogs, SW:ToR it is not, to synchronize the colours or have any freedom and you ends up with a chaotic mismatch :roll_eyes:

All and all, Dunkiee my gal, you are fabolous!

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Quite like what you have going on.


Not sure about the belt as it clashes with the far brighter pieces, but I dig the golden mage thing you’ve got going on.

8/10 - maybe a different belt and boots, but that’s my only suggestion.

8/10 as well. Everything matches nicely.

Elitism and gatekeeping spreading even in the “dress your doll nicely” part of the game.
For these alpha males gamers, it’s not a “true transmog” if you haven’t spent 6 hours trying to make different green vanilla items match with your T16 shoulderpads.

Is the reason I never (or very rarely) take part in these.

Anyway whomever is next, ignore this comment and do Slapface.

Wouldn’t it have made more sense for you to rate me?

6/10 for yours, you’d be an 8 if you were to go with the Dark Ranger skin tone and red eyes.

It’s simple and nice but I wouldn’t remember it I guess. I’d say 8/10

Note to next one: don’t mind the weapon, I usually use a torch (mace) but when I have to equip a dagger for stats, I use this one as it disappears when sheathed (apparently it’s the only dagger that does this)