Rate The Transmog Above You :dracthyr_love_animated:

A bit strange to see that mog on a nightborne, feels like you are the black duck of the community :smiley:

Shoulders don’t work, they only work on orcs unfortunately…


That chest is a bit strange, but I might change up the mog when I get home so I’ll edit this when it’s updated

So the set looks good, you are a machine but a very skinny one I suppose soo I’d give it a solid 6/10 leaning closer to 7 then a 5

It’s ok; I think that’s nothing wrong with it per se.

I think it’s difficult to get a void elf transmog that really fits the void elf vibe, but i’d say you did a decent job and therefore i’d give it a 7/10!

Nice looking Gnome you got there, 9/10

Got the new chest piece, I think its a bit better

So I like the idea of alighting DH but unfortunately that’s basically a full set and it’s a bought set so best I can do is a 4/10 sorry, but lighting DH is a cool idea

Every night elf look I basically see, nothing unique about it, looks kinda simple, easy to get, easy look, 4.5/10 good try though!

It has been like this for a very long time now.

I like the theme, somehow the head part goes well and after shoulders it is ruined.


7 for the hat, and facial customisation choices.

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@Elunaera: Tribal and Black Iron themed don’t mesh well together tbh, 4/10

Simple 8/10.

/10 chars

nice and yellow 8/10

The Undead vibe is really good, but the colors doesn’t really match together.


The colours match well, but the theme seems to be a little all over hte place with the stone and the glowing reagle shoulder but crude metal boots.


Very druid-y. Looks like you could be an NPC questgiver in a night elf zone. 8/10 from me :grin:

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i forgot to transmo the new items :slight_smile: my bad

A bit too much fire for a frost mage.

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Very simplistic, it’s nice but doesn’t really wow me too much. Works for a rogue set though. 6/10

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You uhhh… got a hidden profile my guy but from the name, I guess it’s kinda funny so I’ll give it a 5/10