I like it but iwould choose another weapon. 8/10
This is a really fun silly transmog, it’s like a worgen decided to stop being an edgy Victorian era dude and went on a tropical holiday for the fact it made me smile alone it’s a 9/10
Damn, looks like a veteran of the fourth war, solid 8/10
Check now, updated the weapon
Looks pretty good I like you kept to the colour scheme
Love it, though the chest is questionable. 8/10
Always love a Kul Tiran mog, what a beast! 8/10
This is awesome and exactly how I imagine a troll Hunter. Pieces fits really well and it is not too bulky. Very simple and straightforward. Too bad I can’t see your pets, as well.
10/10, very creative.
Simple yet sophisticated. The belt addition is a very nice touch, always in favour in scarves too.
Nice combo of items,could have been a nice evoker transmog. Certainty got the “Dragonflight” theme to it.
@Zuurak I love it!! It got an awesome explorer vibe. And i love how you choose boots to hide the troll feets… i got a troll of my own so i know how bothersome it can be to find the right footwear
Really welldone mog. And your skin color matches amazingly
Really nice mog, the outfit feels unique and works well, every piece feels like it fits and comes together. It’s simple yet elegant. I’d give it a 9/10 personally but could easily be a 10
I actually like you mog a lot!
very battle rouge like.
This was one of my roleplay characters. dont mind the class.
nice, I don’t know why are they doing this
Pretty blue solid 8/10
Nice classic “down to earth” adventurer garb, I like it.
(Note: ignore me I guess, most of my set doesn’t show up for some weird reason. Or if anyone can pinpoint why, that’s helpful too. Note: A couple of missing parts are from the white/blue heritage armor set, do those just not work here?)
hey lol
Is that a chicken in your back???
Oh so smexy 9/10.
(Note: ignore me I guess, most of my set doesn’t show up for some weird reason. Or if anyone can pinpoint why, that’s helpful too. Note: A couple of missing parts are from the white/blue heritage armor set, do those just not work here?)
Since release of the set they don’t appear on the Armory.
Oh so smexy 9/10.
Really nice, looks like a corrupted Nightborne 9/10! -1 for not having boots, feels strange
9/10! -1 for not having boots, feels strange
Check the Nightborne/Felborne NPC you will know why I made her barefoot
Skip me please.