Rate the Transmog above

9/10 Beautiful. Robe, belt and gloves needs to be more frosty though.
The shoulders-belt-headpiece works wonders, but your robe and sword have absolutely no place in that mog, and the tabard doesn't fix that.
actually like that one alot 9/10
meh 3/10 you can do better
Silly mage, you're not a warlock!

8/10 because purple and it looks really good.
13/02/2018 09:25Posted by Lulieth
Silly mage, you're not a warlock!

8/10 because purple and it looks really good.

Really clean look. Looks great on a Nightborne!

oh wow, pretty awesome set you got there :) 10/10

I was actually commenting on Stazyy's transmog :)

but yours Valethril looks great as well :)
Difficult to judge a full set, blizz did the work to make it match.
It Works for me, i like it.
bit of a warlock look but hey whatever works, needs boots
bit annoyed mines showing fire atm even tho i'm using frost but ehh, its a look, prefer my frost look tho
7/10. Nice but never have been fan of that style headgear. Collar is fine; hat is not. It just looks like wanna-be Magneto, the master of magnets.
Nice and simple 7/10 ... perhaps too simple? Original though. Not sure the green in the staff matches all that well.
10/10, I love this set combined with the shop helmet.
Suitably Voidy! 10/10
Also suitably voidy. 9/10

The staff's glow is a bit off though.
17/02/2018 18:00Posted by Xaraphres
Also suitably voidy. 9/10

The staff's glow is a bit off though.

Yeah unfortunately it comes with it and none of the enchants I have alter it very much. I couldn't decide whether to go with a fancy staff or a plain one like the one I have now.

I like yours very fiery and Blood Elves like, not sure about the boots though. 9/10
@Xaraphres, very good magister getup, gets a nice 8/10 from me.
18/02/2018 11:27Posted by Sozin
@Xaraphres, very good magister getup, gets a nice 8/10 from me.

7/10 i don’t think the shoulders match pretty well, maybe a new belt too. I like the robe + staff!
I know I look differnt
But as for above I love that archimonde set 9.5/10