Rated BG Blitz 15/16 and cancels means pre-made teams are trying to jump in

You can clearly see after 1800+ ratings, you cant enter the matchs first time, as it is always 15/16, and then after some time it cancels, then after some time another one pop up, and if you accept it, you either win the game with huge diff, or lose it exactly the same way. Its because pre-made dps and healer teams using queue sync add ons to see if they will be on the same match, and if they dont, they just wait for another to get in. Next time check your or opposite team players realms and guilds, (some ppl stupid enough to queue sync without leaving it) and you can clearly see whats really happening.

And if one of the pre-mades cant catch up with the rest of the team, the one within in the other team will either troll or just act like a brain dead bot, guarateeing others will get their victory.

Solution: Well there is none but if your match wont start because of this 15/16 queue sync, dont accept the next one which will pop up after some time and just quit the queue, wait 5-10 min, then try joining again. Or you can try your best luck, if you re on the same side with the pre-mades, you will win the game easily, or will lose it with no chance of carry.

I do believe that such things happen, but doubt it is at 1800. It is such a crazy time investment and if they fight each other, their mmr will spread by 100 (+50//-50). So, they cannot sync again. Reasonably, this can be done to lift one friend or boostee over 2400, if s/he is just shy of 30-40 rating.

Same realm means nothing, when half of the population plays on the 2 biggest english realms.

Been happening since the introduction of BGB’s, even before it went rated. Some of us mentioned it on here and people said we were just making it up, sore losers and all that crap.

Doesn’t matter what format they come up with in this game, these types of players will try anything and everything they can to get free and easy games.


Sounds like they’re gaslighting.

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For english servers that s true, but for RU servers i can see alot dps pre-mades with same realms.

Have you considered that this might be the result of people queuing, going afk because the queue takes too long and missing the invite?

Or they simply aren’t good players and can’t play better, because blitz is inflated beyond belief at this point with the top of the ladder being literally 4000 and the ones who still play in 1800 lobbies aren’t that skilled at the game.

Play the game and don’t make up conspiracies about alleged queue syncing on noob rating in an inflated bracket smh.

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Getting past 1700 is extremely hard, and that is because there are countless factors that you can’t do anything about. It has little to do with skill.

No, it’s very very easy at the moment. It was never easier at any point in time to get 1800 in any bracket than it is now in blitz.


You’re partly why so many decline the freaking Q which is mega annoying.

Although I’m not denying Q syncers, but Qing up many times to get constant declines in 30+ minutes becomes very frustrating. How about punish people that are AFK during q’s to help prevent this crap from happening?

The easiest way to fix this is by giving a 20 minute penalty for requeue to anyone who hasn’t accepted the invitation. Also make the invitation last for 2 minutes .


I believe you.

This might not be 100% true BUT i think this is probably more in line with the reality then the opposite.

This game is done for when youre allowed to cheat and hustle. Is Blizzard in sync with the cheaters or do they simply not care at all? Because from my POW (as an honest player and a fan of WoW) its easy to fix, so this makes me wonder…

But also im aware of that it might not be easy to fix. Im not a programmer. And theres also possible thats there nothing to fix…

But ATM i believe you. Sad but true.

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This is cringe

It is trivial to hide the number of players ready and to apply a deserter debuff if you don’t accept queue

It is equally trivial to extend the timer to 2 minutes

The only explanation is pure incompetence of blizzard staff when it comes to pvp


They should just give you a debuff for missing Q pop. Every time I join a Q for BGB, I get 5-6 decliners in a row, resulting in a much longer wait time. It’s getting beyond annoying because of these people.

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Absolute nonsense. It is not as if all the garbage teams that just throw the game have suddenly disappeared.

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tell me about it. it makes you wonder what the intentions from blizzard really are.

the solution you suggest (and many others that ive read) with the que deserter debuff is very interesting and seems easy to implement, so why dont they do it?

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Even unrated skirmish gives penalty for not accepting que. Some reason they didnt put anything for rated soloqs. So the que looks like dozen declines when people try sync ques. There absolutely needed to be cumulative penalty if declines que which pops up.

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i agree. #make it fair play

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Well even though blitz make you play as opposite faction, most of the time you play as your faction. Depending on the time of your realm, playing as your faction can be more problematic. especially if you re alliance. since ally groups prefer pve over pvp and system tries to match you with same mmr players, you can get matchmaked with like 2000 mmr but 1600 rating guys with zero idea about gameplay and lose nothing if they defeated, and if you re like 1900 MR 1900 rating, you lose both mmr and rating, making you impossible to climb up.

Everything about your last post is not true.

You get sorted into team blue or red without preference.
If you get to play as a particular faction more often, that is by coincidence. The chance is 50/50.

This is also wrong.
Open the leaderboards for a spec of your choice and you will see that the top players of every spec prefer the alliance because the racial abilities are better.

When your win rate is above 50%, you will eventually climb because your mmr will be higher than your cr.

What Premades in this mode? I grinded 3k rating In Bg blitz Never seen Suspicious game.

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