Rated blitz decline

decline 5x before get into game, annoying, make decliner get cooldown on queue



if you decline it, you should get a 1 hour debuff and unable to re-enter

or bann for 1 week

public humiliation for 1 year bro. holy frick , this aint medeival Spain, relax.


i wanna play game not play queue

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15/16 waiting for the last person to accept lmao.

it start 5 min then 10 then 20 40 80 and so on

Disagree lol based on 1 decline no. Multiple declines though yeah its clear at tht point ur just trying to que sync with ur friends.


Just 5 minute unable to que.
Like 5 minute deserter.

should double time each decline

Just delete their character, so it feels like a punishment. Taking a break from wow for a week is just a holiday.

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