Rated Blitz needs mmr improvements

There has to be something that can be done here.
I aint that good in PvP. I dabble.
I’m being put in lobbies at 1300 with people who do not communicate in any way, do not read instructions, do not care at all about the outcome of the game.
This happens 5-6 times in a row sometimes. It’s not fun. There’s no competition. I am trying to push things but it’s just not working.

Why am I getting punished with -mmr if I’m pursuing objectives and giving my best? Every subsequent game feels a descent deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of people just clicking buttons with no aim at all, how can a single person influence this and how can I even get out of this MMR range when MMR is being calculated ONLY based on winning or losing?

Why not calculate MMR based on what the player actually does in the BG? Objectives capped, points accumulated, damage/healing done…
It’s extremely infuriating and it feels like I can’t really improve much.


(post deleted by author)

Because that would be way to complicated.
If you are good enough you will get out of the low bracket soon enough, it just takes a little more time than usual as its harder to influence the game with 7 other people in your team. But given enough time being lucky/unlucky with teammates will even eachother out and you will get to the rating you deserve.

You will be stuck at certain bracket if you keep losing to many games cause of this issue. Most people can’t carry teams ( me included :smiley: ) I do experience the exact same issue. People just letting a flag carrier RP walk next to them and when he’s about to cap they start yelling.

When you are able to queue as a group you can counter this issue with taking the unknown factor out. In Blitz you can’t so for the average andy there needs to be some changes to not get stuck in a certain bracket.

Solo Queue has the advantage with the objective being kill or atleast stay alive in blitz you have many other factors. Atleast that’s my opinion.

I dont know about carrying, but if you are better than your current rating you should be able to improve the chances of your team winning. Over time this will get you to the rating you deserve.

imagine playing the most fried game mode in existence

the difference between being able to mess it up and being an asset is so big in my opinion.

1 healer that just wanders of or someone not defending or not calling not focusing a healer,… The chances of you going towards your bracket ( talking for the average Andy ) are just pretty slim in blitz and again, my opinion.

Even that Bajhera dude on YouTube is stuck at 1600 with 90% win rate.
Don’t take the game or rating too serious. Blizzard clearly don’t.
(as evident by the amount of issues/bugs still present)

Stuck at 1600 with a 90% winrate? Why even use your time making up bulls**t like that.

Look him up

blizzard need to address blitz
it needs to be changed on how it calculates mmr and cr

we need an option to report players that are not doing objectives or an entry level that is required for blitz
like 1600 in solo Shuff before you are allowed to queue in blitz

these pve casuals dont play random bgs anymore they jsut Queue up for blitz and ruin it for everyone else

And what im i going to see there, that he has a win rate of 90% and a rating of 1600?
Then im going to have to explain to you that this doesnt mean that he is stuck there, he just havent played enough games yet?

Yeah lets force people into a game mode that they dont like. Sounds like a great idea.


Think the report function for gameplay sabotage already exist. Report system gets abused aswell so there’s that. I hate arena’s very rarely played them. still was able to get to 1600 in ss when I returned to DF for a season. Doesn’t mean anything. Now blitz is here I don’t even do the SS arena anymore. Ofcourse Blitz is the new random bg lol like what else did people expect? By just adding rating to a mode now all of a sudden everyone works together like the A-team? You can still do rbg’s arena’s ss whatever you want but don’t force me into garbage arena’s because you don’t like Blitz.