Ratt's Revenge 7 o'clock

I’m stumped and have no idea how to progress. After picking up the light at Cordana, I went back to the secret room with the orbs and picked up the Sentry statue. Went to Glazer’s room and placed the statue as suggested in one of the YouTube video’s: on the oval platform just beneath the small set of steps that lead into the room.

Nothing happened! No big statue popped up to throw me backwards a bit and then interact with to start the puzzle. Even worse: I lost the Sentry statue and it’s also no longer there in the secret room. So I’m stuck and cannot start the puzzle.

Did anybody have a similar experience and figure out a workaround? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

I wish I could help, but my memory is so bad I can’t remember how I did it.
I would suggest you try reposting in the General forum as several people have posted there about problems with Ratt’s Revenge and got helpful answers.

Have you checked the wowhead guide? https://www.wowhead.com/guide/secrets/ratts-revenge-incognitro-felcycle-guide#7-oclock-watchers

It’s a while since I did it now, but I think I may have placed it on a platform above the set of stairs?

" Head back down to Glazer’s boss room. When you enter his boss room, right before the last set of double stairs, place the Sentry Statue Sentry Statue in the center of the overlooking ledge between the staircases."

Not sure if this will work but, in the wowhead guide at this step there’s an option to see more details, and that gives images of each of the steps … this image shows where to place the statue:

As for the missing statue … it’s possible you might need to reset the instance and do it again?

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