In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Ravencrest in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Jexx the Human Paladin from guild Aloria.
I, and some others, will be returning to WoW Classic this Summer! So hyped to be coming back and potentially running into some old friends and enemies!
<3 Ravencrest!
Fufina, Spacegoat Shaman, the Alterac Deviants
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Hey everyone! I played a Dwarf Paladin called Dwarif, can’t remember guilds though except most of them had Latin names. 
A long shot but I remember leveling up with and hanging out with a another Dwarf Paladin whose name were Noodelz (or something similar) and it would be cool to just know that dude is still well and all.
“Cruelty”, female gnome, guild " Dominance", rank 14 on 31.05.2006.
Looking for players: Randomnewb, Landing, Dahl, Jebzig, Shodandk, Hyean to Name a few dominance players I played the most with. If others remember feel free to reach out.
Thalionyirma Night Elf Druid, any players from good old Amberlight/Reborn/Argentum playing in classic?
Nhiha, human priest from Borked.
I remember Borked fondly, making all Ravencrestians proud with their efforts on the PvE raids!
Now I see you’re in Inquisitor a long standing guild from RC, I raided with them in TBC, nice guys but I got burn out.
We just need The Axemen to show up next, who remembers this?!
MC Done Quickly
MC Done Quicker
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Watching them MC speed runs must be pretty embarrassing now, thanks for the off hand warglaive in tbc tho axemen!
Not at all, they did it with predominantly BWL gear whereas the current records are set on private servers where people have full Naxx gear. Go figure.
Dwarf Hunter Robinson
Human Mage Tiberian
NE Priest Nexzus
Hey Dominace Thx for great times and great raids. best 2 years of my 15 years of WoW life
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Daskn gnome Warlock playing in the Alliance guild called Dominance! Damn i am hyped for this!
Loved the PvE MC and BWL
Elvadir, human mage.
I used to play in Equilibrize.
Hi all.
Weather you are on Retail/Live or not, good to see some good name up above.
Cruelty, and Hovsa, hope all is well.
i might think Kryptozia and Tunnelfauna will start, and recently spoke to Probi aswell.
You can find me today in Inquisitor@ravencrest, if you wanna chatter up.
best regards.
Macintyre, Resto Druid, Dominance.
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Forgot to make a shout-out to Morgoths/Tullelicious , Chobits, Zummy who is currently still online.
And a big list here of all the good guys of Dominance: warcraftrealms dot com /guildexes/373512
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Grimbald, Human Mage. Started endgame in Amberlight and then proceeded to Inquisitor.
Aloria <3 Oler here was playing gnome mage =)