Ravencrest (PvP) Horde Reconnections

clifton, undead priest

the nether pact
pretty maids
battery :metal:
hidden agenda
i keel intarweb monstars


bafo ud priest

Guildless and unranked

But I once was called “ pretty handsome” by Mahmudin

Wizzy mate :smiley: get your backside on Golemagg for classic!! Good to see you and the other old faces on here man :slight_smile:

Hmm… Halas and I were kind of planning on playing on Shazzrah. How commited are you to Golemagg? :slight_smile:

And which server are the rest of you guys on this forum playing on?


Undead Priest
Undead Rogue
Orc warrior (alt)

Amazing Randy

Starting with my old mate wizmate, but looking for old faces :slight_smile: Bobeh, Minder, Xl, Derfel, Bigorc etc

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Nice to see you all!

Regarding server: still undecided. Was initially going for Shazzrah but it seems to be the most toxic and incredibly overpopulated. Not particularly worried about the so called “dead” servers everyone is throwing around.

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Main. Gnutah - Undead Rogue
Alt. Rivfader - Troll Shaman

I don’t remember the name of all my former guilds, but at least I was a raiding member of Odium Aeternum

Nice to see some names I recognize, it’s been a while, nice to see you guys :slight_smile:

Not sure what faction/server/class I will play, but the hype is real!



Òó (Later renamed Frantic due to being reported) UD Rogue.
Yorgen UD Warrior.

Played in Temporary, Elysium, Dystopia etc.

The spanish bafo that once was on public enemies?

Zombimanaaja - Undead Warlock

Didn’t make it to 60 in classic, but i remember having some good times running around with my Felsteed.

Malyniak (tauren shaman)
…Public Enemies, Temporary/Dystopia(?), Elysium, BATTERY, Pretty Maids…

Moved to Shattered Hand during free migration and now on Tarren Mill. Gonna try classic for sure but no idea if I will stick for long - still playing retail.


Bambass lol that’s my forgotten alt. What server do you plan to play gusy?

Dug - Rank14/High Warlord Rogue - Greatest achievement in my life. Logged out same day and rerolled.
In / Hotdug / Ddug The cutest bald female orc shaman ever <3

Team Dug, Public Enemies, and probably some lame guilds like Devoted or whatever they got called after PE imploded <3


Goku - Orc Hunter… haven’t touched wow after lich king… not sure if it’s a good idea to play a ‘little’ bit of classic to see how it is D:

So many familiar names here lol


haha Goku :smiley: long time mate

a lot from my old guild are going Golemagg

Haha i kinda knew that a pro hunter like u Goku couldnt stay away from Classic! ;D do u still have your crazy 1v3 clips from late vanilla around?

Btw on what server are u going to play on? :wink:

I will be playing an Undead Warlock named Dajmkrysset on Gehennas, see you home soon. And if any of you pick the same realm please give me a whisper when we are back :slight_smile:

Character: Stormrager, Tauren shaman. 2nd shaman in full tier 2 on Ravencrest, right after morfar :slight_smile:
Guild: Semper Danica
Looking for anyone from good ol Semper Danica, who are considering playing on the golemag server :slight_smile:

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Looking for people who might’ve played with my bro back in the day.

Character: Lewz, Undead Rogue

He likely played on Ravencrest in vanilla, tbc and on Stormscale going into wotlk, thats about all the details I have. I got his servers through his video which is still up on warcraftmovies - Lewz 2 by LewsKEK. He was massively into PvP and the Warcraft world, community, not so much PvE, as far as I know.