Ravencrest (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Ravencrest in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Madock, Undead Warrior (lvl 19)
Atleast You Get A Token

We already have a Discord server going with the core players of AYGAT and also a few from DYFL. We’re looking for friends and foes from the good old TBC lvl 19 community in the Blackout Battlegroup. If you remember any of these names and wanna reconnect with us, please hit me up and I’ll throw you an invite for Discord! :smile:

Same char name, same race (was male back then), same class
Raid, Hidden Agenda, The Untamed, Devoted, Elysium


Name was Hawbo, level 60 undead warrior. Started in Nova Avatara raiding Ony, MC and BWL. Went on to Empire, raiding ZG, AQ20/40. Empire merged with Ruin and some other guild, to finish raiding Naxx.

There was this gnome warrior called ksz i think. We had our world pvp encounters daily.

I was the guy who got onto Borked’s blacklist for corps camping their guild leader in Southshore…

Was properly the biggest fan of Morfar.

Demon from PE was… well, special.

Hope to see some of the old people from Ravencrest in classic.


Tuskish - troll mage with a pink nose.
Sni - Rank13 undead rogue.
Chewtoy - Rank14 NE warrior.

Former member of Public enemies, Axemen and Borked.

Also; Demon was easy in pvp.


Shamansvend - Played as Shaman
Played in Nova Avatar and when Elladan crashed the guild i join Invicem Sensus and stayed there all of Vanilla

Char: Barichello, Druid
Guilds: Ruin, Dystopia & Elysium

Alt Char: Maranello, Warrior
Pvp Rank12

I think we cleared naxx with Dystopia/Elysium but it was so long time ago and my memory have faded a bit… if i’m wrong please correct me!

Can’t wait for Classic! hopefully i will see you online!


male Orc Warrior
Public Enemies

1,3 mil honor a week and more then 18 hores a day but still only rank 13 :frowning: WAAAAYYY to much time to use :slight_smile:


male Troll Hunter
Played mainly in Northern Horde, later in Elysium and/or in Dystopia. At some point a little while in Public Enemies if i remember correctly.


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Garmien, undead Warlock
Garmin, undead Priest
Empire since launch, probably best known for causing multiple wipes on Vaelestraz due to aggro :smiley: And probably also for flooding /g sometimes…

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Hi infidels,

Katorr here from Public Enemies.

Great to see all the happy faces here!

Katorr#2881 add me!


Bobeh, undead mage

Amazing Randy


Undead Warlock
The Unspoken


Public Enemies
Elysium (BC)

Tarjin, Troll Shaman - LW that crafted a lot of the Onyxia Scale Cloaks on RC.

Member of a few different guilds… “The Blackhelm Order”, early powerhouse that started up in the beta but faded out some time into Vanilla (Sup, Zaknarakh).
“Odium Aeternum”, a merge between two guilds where I co-raidled MC, Ony, BWL (Anyone seen Darkice?)
“Amateurs Extraordinaire”, lovely close guild that still lasts to this day.

I remember a lot of the people from the horde in Public Enemies, Nove Avatara, Semper Danica, Hidden Agenda, The Nether Pact, and a lot of the guys you just had to 1v1 out in the world, from Axemen and Borked etc.

Undecided server, add me #CH1LL1E2611


Spellfire, Undead Mage, former Guild “The Nether Pact” - What happened to all of you guys ? =D

Sauras - Tauren Shaman
(Nightblood - Undead Rogue)

Started of my raiding career in Odium Aeternum (self proclaimed best out of combat resser EU) in MC when that was a thing! After a while I got recruited into Ruin which later merged with some of Empire and Temporary into Dystopia around the AQ40 times, no idea what happened with the guild after Naxx when I unfortunately migrated to another realm…

Legends of the past - Bigork (2GD) for sure! also Savior, Fong, Stomp, Meys, the two insane hunters Goku and Pipz, ofc Newt my shaman officer and many many more!

I’ll be playing semi-hardcore on Gehennas with many other swedes, hope to see you in Stranglethorn Vales;)


Drsheman, mage and paladin, guild master in Pretty Maids!

Also played with Evil Inc for a period.

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Yo Bobeeeh!
Already see several familiar names on here. Love it.

Wizmate - Undead Mage

Amazing Randy
Later on Dystopia and BATTERY

:smiley: :smiley: