"raw" gold farm + best character for runs

Due to the current pandemic a lot of people are not in work at the moment, and sadly some have lost their jobs or might not be getting paid for the enforced ‘work break’. Not sure where you are from but looking for work and attending interviews is not going to be happening for quite some time.


Yup some raids yield more gold, but only doable one time /week.

Skyreach in other hand, yield 4000 gold every avg 30 min. Not many raid beat that gold /min

Sadly not everyone has TONS of money to WASTE in-game gold. I offered OP a way.

But someone has time to play.

Also this.

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Indeed, but I barely have enough time to do it once in a while (well, I don’t rely on raw gold farms to earn gold anyway)

Farm herbs and ore. 15 mins ~= 5k gold

Alliance player logic :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Thank you for sharing my raw gold farming, in 8 hours and 40 mins will Legacy loot be available for Legion in EU, sadly im prob not going update it on the WoW Forum, may change later, but i will keep the updated list pinned on my Twitter!


Legion Raids LFR → HC will be on the whiteboard in about 11 hours from now.
Wont add Mythic til everyone can solo all the Legion raids on Mythic difficulty!.

Antorus, not sure how to do this, might just update the LFR version for this as i dont have a save, and its pretty impossible to solo Imonar the Soulhunter currently as he’s doing a Sleep-Chain.

Every other boss in Antorus is pretty much solo-able.

Personally, i can’t wait to see how much better it is as a gold farm compare to WoD, aswell getting all the juicy Legion Transmog!

The guide i provide, is for all the specs, even healers if they have good corruptions!.

And yes you may make more gold with AH, but thats not the point with my guide, and nothing will change with my guide either, this is purely for those that wants Transmog along with Gold

its a Win Win situation overall!.


I see from the US forums that legacy loot is enabled but the legacy buff isn’t, and no changes to mechanics have been made to allow soloing on the bosses that require more people (Hello, Eonar Mythic!). This is as expected.

Another thing to watch might be any changes to the gold value of farming either Legion OR older raids.

When legacy loot is made available for an expansion, Blizzard nerf the gold rewards from older raids, mostly by reducing the vendor value of the items. They do this to prevent too much gold farming.

Will they do that this time?

They always have, but …

I predicted that missions would start raining gold in 8.3, given the effect of the gold pump on Token sales. That hasn’t happened. But it is a neat incentive to keep people subbed in the final months of an expansion, if they have an opportunity to earn a lot of gold. Might Blizzard skip the usual gold nerf this time, at least until Shadowlands, and let players who stick with the game cash in?


Yes the only thing thats changing is that we will get guarenteed loot, the difficulty will remain the same, Imonar on any difficulty wont be soloable til Shadowlands, its possible to 2 man tho.

I don’t think we’ll see a Mythic Eonar fix anytime soon “Sadly”.

This might be a extremely wild shot in the dark, but what if they enabled Legion raids, knowing that it might be a gold mine for raw gold farming, as the AH Mount is going.

But we’ll see if the gold is getting decreased when it comes to the Vendors.

But as it is now… well we don’t even wanna talk about the gold you’ll be able to make if doing all the WoD & Legion raids xD, if the prices remains the same!.

I uploaded my results on the Legion Raw gold, from LFR --> HC loot on Twitter!, if you’d like check my whiteboard there, as i cant upload pics on the forum xD


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Gráinne are lvl 110/111 still viable for farming islands solo? Need to pick your brains or experiences if possible.

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