Raw Gold Farming [Old Raids] [No AH]

Hi!, so i’ve been running every raid on this character to see how much old Raids gives!, that has Legacy Loot so from Wrath of the Lich King - Warlords of Draenor!. by Purely getting the Gold from the Bosses and selling all the Loot!.

Also New Player Friendly that looks for a easy way to make Guarrenteed Gold!

As Classic and BC Gives barely any loot, so im not counting these in this Thread!

So i just wanted to share my experience with Gold Farming, and how much i made each Expansion!, oh to make it easier for every raid did i send over every little Gold / Silver to my Bank Character!

Wrath of the Lich King

  • Vault of Archavon 25-Man = 217+ Gold
  • Naxxramas 25-man = 1.2K+ Gold
  • The Obsidian Sanctum 25-Man = 192+ Gold
  • The Eye of Eternity 25-Man = 27+ Gold
  • Ulduar = 1.2K+ Gold
  • Trial of the Crusader 25-Man = 460+ Gold
  • Onyxia 25-Man = 45+ Gold
  • The Ruby Sanctum 25-Man HC = 203+ Gold
  • Icecrown Citadel 25-Man HC = 1.1K+ Gold

Total Gold = 4.644+ Gold


  • Baradin Hold 25-Man = 300+ Gold
  • Blackwing Descent 25-Man HC = 1K+ Gold
  • Bastion of Twilight 25-man HC = 966+ Gold
  • Throne of the Four Winds 25-Man HC = 320+ Gold
  • Firelands 25-Man HC = 1.6K+ Gold
  • Dragon Souls LFR & 25-Man HC = 4.2K Gold

Total Gold = 8.386+ Gold

Mists of Pandaria

  • Mogu’Shan Vaults 25-Man HC = 1.1K+ Gold
  • Heart of Fear 25-Man HC = 1.4K+ Gold
  • Terrance of the Endless Spring 25-Man HC = 872+ Gold
  • Throne of Thunder 25-Man HC= 2.5K+ Gold
  • Siege of Orgrimmar all Difficulties = 7K+ Gold

Now i cant remember if i did all the MoP in LFR or not!, will update the ones up to Siege abit Later!

Total Gold = 12.872+ Gold

Warlords of Draenor

  • Highmaul All Difficulties = 4.5K+ Gold
  • Blackrock Foundry All Difficulties = 7.3K+ Gold
  • Hellfire Citadel All Difficulties = 12K+ Gold

Total Gold = 23.800+ Gold

By Doing all of these raids a Week on 1 Character Gets you about
49.702+ Gold

Let’s say that you do this on 5 Characters, you can easily get about
248.510+ Gold

So there’s your Gold for a Monthly WoW Sub

Let’s say that you do this on 10 Characters, you can easily get about
497.020+ Gold
Thats about half a Mil Gold for no Effort!.

So the more amount of Alts you have the Richer you can get by farming Old Raids!:heart:

So you can easily make about 50K a Week by purely doing Old Easy and Soloable Raids!, Gathering Proffesions prob is more Worth doing, however the Prices above is Guarrenteed! a Week!, and you dont have to wait for someone to buy your stuff on the AH!


I have a few posts about this, and these are close enough to my latest numbers as well.

There is maybe a 10%-20% variance in the value of drops due to RNG, with a small effect from difference in vendor value by armour type. I call it 45K per character per week, though maybe I’m a bit conservative.

So yeah, we’re in agreement.

Except on the word “easily” at the end. There’s no doubt it’s easy enough as a halfway geared 120, except maybe Spine and HFC Assault, but it’s not fast.

There’s a chunk of travelling time in Wrath, Cata, and Mists, and some of those raids take quite a while - notably ToT, SoO, HFC. I’m not any kind of speedrunner, but I’d be surprised if you could get that done under 8 hours /played on one character.

So when you’re talking about earning 285K on 5 characters, you’re also talking about sinking 40 hours into that.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s entirely do-able - but as someone who racked up well over 250 kills of Ji-Kun for the mount, I will say that it can be quite tedious.

Doing these raids once, or a few times, as a relatively new player, can be great. You get to see some of the finest work in WoW, and visit the old stories, and collect transmog and achievements. And bring home some nice starting gold!

But I think it would be a pretty hard way to earn your sub money on a regular basis.


Yes some raids are simply not worth running thanks to long RolePlaying.

I just thought it would be a great idea to share the amount you can get per char!, RP or not RP :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes its all RNG, if you get example purely Weapons from a Boss then ofc you will get more gold than normal Loot, its RNG indeed thats why i added the " + " after every gold value :stuck_out_tongue:

Like this happened to one of my chars the other week or so!

http_s://imgur_com/a/DAFd9ZB [Just remove the _ ]

That guy got more gold from that raid than the others i run it on, so its all RNG!, good nontheless!

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Nice post OP, much appreciated you took the effort to list everything down. I was wondering if you have a rough estimation how long does it take to run all these raids on a single character? I am interested in running them not only for gold but to gather some transmog as well.


Typo ?

Great post OP, and for those interested you can increase that amount with a bit of AH selling leather (if you’re a skinner, especially for Wotlk dragon raids), cloth and Epic BoE (although the transmog market is quite slow)


Oh finally some useful thread, tnx so much for this info, i personally do firelands, dragon soul, mop and wod raids and this was so useful but also time spent is important, i think token price is insane and its getting more and more harder to catch up with old raids, at some point i felt Im spending 90% of gameplay to farm gold so i can extend that gameplay so i can do that same


Nope i have a White board behind my Chair with all of the prices for each raids!.

25-man Onyxia isn’t worth going to xD

Hmm nope, but i could try take the time after this Reset to see about the time! doing all the raids stated above!.

Indeed you can get 2 birds with one Stone :stuck_out_tongue:
Also!, you get to Revisit old Continent if you’re bored with BFA :slight_smile:

Overall I truly do appreciate all the kind replies!:heart::heart:

When the next expansion drops, i will do the same calculation with the Legion raids!.:smiling_imp:


Such cool and reliable topic, rarity these days, thanks OP for helpful instructions :slight_smile:


Not sure if this is being shown in General Discussion, as it was originaly made within the New / Coming Players Tab.

Been thinking to Maybe make videos to the next Guide that will be coming in the next expansion, with Legion Included!.

As in Making videos for new or returning players, on how to get to the Raids!.
As, maybe a new player dont know how to get to Hellfire Citdael for Example!.

Incoming fix.

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Did you do a time on these raids at all would be good to know and I bow to you running HFC on all settings the first boss even with new nerf drives me insane .

Hmm not yet!, someone above asked about it, just forgot to do it xD.
But as stated above some might not be worth doing such as Siege, as its way to big of a Raid.

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Its only worth it for shoulders and mount after that no its like you say far to long

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Great informative post that puts gains in perspective.


for times, as of about 2 years ago. may be faster now at 120, but may not be because of scaling/rp. skip to the end of post 4 for times. never mind, i copy pasted below as i cant link to the old forum thread :\ glad i have it saved. good job blizz.

i dont have times for Wod raids or legion dungeons as they would not have been viably soloable at the time.

i would also suggest if you are trying to make just gold, ONLY do lfr MoP and WoD raids, as no traveling is involved, some rp may be skipped, and you dont need to run out of the instance.

Gráinne is right, travel time, and raid completion time starts to add up fast. even for just one toon.

rogue ran MoP raids, and WoD Mythics which is lvl 110 and ilvl 857 at the time. Every other instance ran was on my Warlock, lvl 101 and ilvl 687 at the time.

Instance timed runs:

Blackfathom Deeps 00:09:56 N
Blackrock Depths 00:21:07 Y (exit via MC)
Deadmines 00:05:43 Y
Dire Maul 00:24:29 Nx3
Gnomeregan 00:13:30 N
Lower Blackrock Spire 00:08:48 N
Maraudon 00:19:10 N all 3 wings
Ragefire Chasm 00:03:57 N
Razorfen Downs 00:07:00 N
Razorfen Kraul 00:07:35 N
Scarlet Halls 00:04:10 N
Scarlet Monastery 00:02:39 Y
Scholomance 00:05:29 N
Shadowfang Keep 00:05:41 Y
Stratholme “living” 00:07:17 N
Stratholme “undead” 00:08:21 N
The Stockade 00:01:30 Y
The Temple of Atal’hakkar 00:03:52 Y
Uldaman 00:07:42 N
Wailing Caverns 00:13:00~ N
Zul’Farrak 00:13:30~ N
MOLTEN CORE 00:11:11 N

Auchenai Crypts (HC) 00:03:14 N
Hellfire Ramparts (HC) 00:05:30~ Y
Magister’s Terrace (HC) 00:05:08 Y
Mana-Tombs (HC) 00:02:50 Y
Old Hillsbrad Foothills (HC) 00:13:59 Y
Sethekk Halls (HC) 00:03:35 Y
Shadow Labyrinth (HC) 00:05:05 N
The Arcatraz (HC) 00:06:45
The Black Morass (HC) 00:07:00 Y
The Blood Furnace (HC) 00:06:00 Y
The Botanica (HC) 06:25:00
The Mechanar (HC) 00:03:11 Y
The Shattered Halls (HC) 00:05:50 N
The Slave Pens (HC) 00:06:15 N
The Steamvault (HC) 00:06:29 N
The Underbog (HC) 00:08:09 Y
GRULL’S LAIR 00:01:26 Y
KARAZHAN 00:28:00 N
THE EYE 00:12:00 N

Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom (HC) 00:05:20 Y
Azjol-Nerub (HC) 00:04:10 Y
Drak’Tharon Keep (HC) 00:05:35 Y
Gundrak (HC) 00:04:25 Y
Halls of Lightning (HC) 00:03:15 Y
Halls of Reflection (HC) 00:10:35 Y
Halls of Stone (HC) 00:10:45 Y
Pit of Saron (HC) 00:03:22 Y
The Culling of Stratholme (HC) 00:11:50 Y
The Forge of Souls (HC) 00:03:31 Y
The Nexus (HC) 00:05:20 Y
The Oculus (HC) 00:05:57 Y
The Violet Hold (HC) 00:07:45 Y
Trial of the Champion (HC) 00:09:22
Utgarde Keep (HC) 00:04:36 Y
Utgarde Pinnacle (HC) 00:05:51 Y
NAXXRAMAS (25) 00:28:41 Y
ONYXIA’S LAIR (25) 00:01:27 Y
THE EYE OF ETERNITY (25) 00:02:01 Y
THE RUBY SANCTUM (HC25) 00:02:46 Y
TRIAL OF THE CRUSADER (HC25) 00:10:03 N no way back, but can port to dala.
ULDUAR (25) 00:37:49 Y
VAULT OF ARCHAVON (25) 00:04:30 Y

Blackrock Caverns (HC) 00:04:21 N
End Time (HC) 00:04:46 Y
Grim Batol (HC) 00:05:02 Y
Halls of Origination (HC) 00:13:35 N
Hour of Twilight (HC) 00:11:10 Y (could not run back)
Lost City of the Tol’vir (HC) 00:04:10 Y
The Stonecore (HC) 00:04:51 Y
The Vortex Pinnacle (HC) 00:05:48 Y
Throne of the Tides (HC) 00:09:27 Y
Well of Eternity (HC) 00:12:09 Y
Zul’Aman (HC) 00:16:24 Y
Zul’Gurub (HC) 00:08:39 Y
BLACKWING DESCENT (25 HC) 00:10:19 N (could not run back)
DRAGON SOUL (25 HC) 00:27:45 Y
FIRELANDS (25 HC) 00:15:32 Y
THE BASTION OF TWILIGHT (25 HC) 00:10:42 Y (could not run back)

Mists of Pandaria
Gate of the Setting Sun (HC) 00:05:00 Y
Mogu’shan Palace (HC) 00:04:22 N (could not run back!)
Shado-Pan Monastery (HC) 00:07:01 N (could not run back!)
Siege of Niuzao Temple (HC) 00:08:10 Y
Stormstout Brewery (HC) 00:03:49 N
Temple of the Jade Serpent (HC) 00:07:00 Y
HEART OF FEAR (10 HC) 00:12:41 N
MOGU’SHAN VAULTS (10 HC) 00:13:56 N
THRONE OF THUNDER (10 HC) 00:38:56 N

Warlords of Draenor
Auchindoun (MYTHIC) 00:09:32 Y
Bloodmaul Slag Mines (MYTHIC) 00:06:48 N
Grimrail Depot (MYTHIC) 00:08:40 Y
Iron Docks (MYTHIC) 00:06:10 N
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (MYTHIC) 00:07:03 Y
Skyreach (MYTHIC) 00:06:11 Y
The Everbloom (MYTHIC) 00:13:34 Y
Upper Blackrock Spire (MYTHIC) 00:13:15 Y


8.2.5 Patch Notes: We decided to decrease gold gain from old raids in order to make BfA zones more populated so players will have more opportunity to interact with each other. Our aim here is to make you feel the true MMORPG experience.



While i just love that OP took time to write all these things down and post them i was also wondering about time this all would take. If we would assume 40 hours for 285k , which would be token for one month sub plus little bit extra left… that is like full workweek for 30 days of game time/13 euros bnet balance. Now person has to think how does this compare to their salary and how many minutes they would have to work at their current job to earn 13 euros. Is it better to work those minutes irl and earn your monthly subfee in short time or try to play 40 hours to get the same? If it is something person would do anyway when playing and enjoys doing, then why not, but if person just does it to get gold for token, it is not very effective way to earn your sub fee.
Just my wandering thoughts about the issue.


I’ll add my more recent times for WoD raids to your list:

Honestly, there isn’t much difference in speed between the difficulties at 120. My timings have depended on how focused I was on the day rather than any inherent difficulty in the content. I never use speed sets or anything like that.

I never have farmed HFC on Mythic, though, because of the first boss, so those times span only LFR, Normal, and Heroic.


After the recent HFC Nerf, Mythic Hellfire Assault is alot easier than the rest of the Difficulties, as you get the Ammo more often!

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