Razorgore is dying

But in the post up there you didnt mention any Blizzard fault, you said it was guilds and low recruitment pool.

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thats the problem of Blizzards bad server architecture. Aside from making money from transfers, I am sure their server architecture does not allow them to easily merge 2 realms together into one realm, tehy can only make connected realms like on retail but its not the same. So You will stay with this problem till the last player switch the light off.

I just have a feeling that “You think u do but u dont” very much applies to TBC, I think most of the ppl wanted Vanilla only and they were not so fond of going into TBC, at least they thought its ok but after couple of months its not their cup of tea ;).

You can count on resurgence of WOTLK till this trial of champion or whatever that crap raid was :slight_smile: and then again it will go downhill.

Unless we just get over single-realm community and let blizzard do connected servers for TBC and Wotlk moving forward.

I just think people need the scapegoat(Blizz in this case), it is so hard to admit it is their “friends” and guilds who started exodus for reasons like recruitment or too much wpvp.

Why this is not happening on pve realms, they are stable since day 1 of vanilla classic?

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My best guess, less active world and dungeon content, general drop-off due to other causes (maybe they felt they had their nostalgia trip already or something) or maybe many guilds that only ran Kara are soft-locked from progressing and recruiting can be a challenge for sure.

Players kill realms. Blizz do nothing to fix dead realms.

Blizz still at fault for letting problem stay.
Many people say “player-created issue” and expect blizz to not interfere.

Game dying > but but player-created issue > let game die

Recruiting and the fact once a few guilds start transferring realms, a load of others kept transferring off as well.
So recruiting / finding groups for dungeons basically became impossible.

It feels good having my mainchar on firemaw from the beginning of classic to now, but it does not feel too good seeing new guilds pop out of nowhere, as you know it’s again a whole guild who transferred off some other realm.

It will just end up being the biggest and only server aside the big pve realms. Most if not all other pvp realms will atleast die. My guess is gehennas will be 100% horde in a matter of time and firemaw might get to the blue side unless both ditch gehennas and firemaw remains the same balance. They should connect low pop realms with eachother and lock transfers to firemaw (as they did in Phase 4 classic…lol)

Well! Atleast Firemaw is the new Razorgore now. :upside_down_face:

Pretty much, lol.
Most of us transferred there.

So how is on Firemaw? Any difference from Razorgore?

Sadly I feel like there are two issues with declining server populations.
first is blizzard being biased in wanting servers to die or remain in decline while not giving proper pop numbers to starting players, making them pay more subs or transfers.
If they can make money out of it, why would they merge servers or help the playerbase?
Second is the people speaking against it, which I consider completely insane. Why would anybody want to play an mmorpg with 50 server population?
I think the only proper solution is to make a sort of low limit for servers when they would be considered for merges, say, 600-1000 players, or linking servers via some LFG + AH.
I’m already playing a subscription for a game I bought a decade and a half ago, and blizzard wants me to pay more to play on a place that is colder than bobby’s heart? That is simply disgusting and if somebody says that its not an issue should be considered a shill.
When a player first loggs in to the game, he has no idea what “low and mid” server populations mean, and what would actually be considered enough to foster a healthy number of players, and is the server heavily ally or horde favored.


Fixed it for you.

Man, I remember when ppl in 2019 were saying that PvE realms would be DOA and that the “future”, so to speak, was with PvP servers. Where are those people now?^^

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Of course it’s way different?
The economy is alive.
The playerbase has 10x more players than alliance on Razorgore.
Can actually find groups for dungeons/recruit players to your guild.

I agree. Blizzard should be way more hands on saving dead servers by either merging low pop servers or providing free character transfers from “dead/one faction servers” to more healthy servers.

They should also lock transfers to firemaw/gehennas lol. They done that before P5 in classic but then never again.

No, there are layers, we should all play on firemaw, there is no reason to have more servers + 1 pve but warmode for unbalanced server is better.

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