RBG blitz is a mmr clownfiesta

In the upcoming season, one of the things that I really looked forward was the blitz RBG. I’ve played tons of those before ranked off-season came, sitting at 2.2-2.3k mmr (which was max I believe) was really chill - you played with competent people, usually the only thing you had to say during a match was either “hi” or “gg”. That’s it, good experience.

After implementing ranked version everything changed. I won 15 matches in a row (15-0) and was still sitting at 1.5k mmr. After that the clownfiesta started, you barely get any mmr from wins, CR is like ±15 at best, but that’s the least concerning. Concerning are the people. For some reason system cannot let you get out of elo hell, despite winning 15 matches in a row, you get paired with ha*fwits. People are pure zerglings, sitting in the mid, not doing any objectives. Leaving every base undefended, not picking orbs. I’ve literally yelled whole match and begged for anyone to pick an orb - noone did. They just sat in the middle and watched enemy win.

And on top of that are leavers, afkers, griefers. And whoever gets more ele shamans in team wins, because why not. The unranked version was fun because with every win you got like 100 mmr, which means 10 won games in a row and as long as you don’t have lose streak - you have fun games with people. Here it feels like you need to crawl through animal mud in order to finally play decent games. Honestly the worst PvP experience I’ve had so far in WoW, hope when the off-season ends they fix the mmr thing.


For me it was about 20-25 games to “break out” of this situation. Since that sometimes the game suprising me with total random team with 200-300 lower mmr than one win before. Most of the games (mmr wise) on my monk and on my shaman is okay now.

On this evoker I’m situated most of the time at 2.1-2.2, on my blood dk I’m much lower at 1.3-1.5

At the start I played some games and my mmr went to 2100-2200, i was 1650 rating, had decent teammates, at least it was not painful to play with them. Then I played some games with my friend who was 0 rating and after everything went downhill. I have now the same experience as you have.

Update afer 2 days is - > don’t give up folks, after about 20-30 games system finally lets you out of elo hell (with over 80% wr in my case, lmao). And then you can kinda chill at 2.1-2.2k mmr. Why kinda? Because sometimes you get lost soul in your team with 15 honor lvl that has no clue about anything, and sometimes you get random game below 1.8k out of nowhere, which is like dropping from Premier League into Elementary School game. It’s incredible that higher mmr games are waay easier than the lower ones.

So as I said, hope for the upcoming season is that they get rid of this stupid elo hell lockout, and also maybe increase rating gains, because getting to 2k CR after like 60 games despite very high %wr was pain in the a$$.

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I think Blitz solo just needs to give us the normal versions of the BG’s. Those seem to be difficult enough for the playerbase.


This is my experience with it as well, I can’t see how this will be the “future” of wow pvp. It feels hard enough to influence a solo shuffle 3v3 at times, 8v8 feels even worse.

Just wanted to point out the only info you get is the Team Average MMR so you might get 1600 average games with 1000 rated players alongside 2400 rated players, especially off hours.

And I have no idea how MMR changes are supposed to be calculated when such extreme gaps occur.

ye i talked about this mkmr issue more than once

Sooooo true everything you said… But i just want to say something… Can we finally remove THIS DOGWATER “mmr” system??? It aint working properly , it did the same in shuffles , will be the same here…

Can we just get rid this DOGWATER system and have something SIMPLE?!
You win : those points (guaranteed)
You loose : minus this , and thats it , damned.
Or something a better idea than MMR.

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it’s impossible to remove a MMR from a ranked game

if you remove MMR that mean you will be ONLY MATCHED with someone else with EXACT RATING

Let’s make a instance :

Player 1 : 1557 rating
Player 2 : 1558 rating
Player 3 : 1558 rating
Player 4 : 1559 rating

Only player 2 and 3 will be grouped together
and the probability to make enought player for a game is so long that it might take 2-3 month for a group to form

However you can change how MMR work
Some game have a MMR that work not only with the winrate but also with the scoreboard
Some added a “average performance compared to others game played at this bracked”
some added loss protection after X win

You can Change MMR how it work
Removing it is inconceivable

the problem is that right now we have

Player 1: 1350
Player 2: 1450
Player 3: 1750
Player 4: 1900

and i saw exactly these numbers, we were 1900 mmr, with me being 1550 cr, and 1-2 players at 1.9

but enemy team was 1.3 and we decimated them in 3-4 minutes, even got the blitz achi

we won, so, we were 1.9 mmr, can i expect an increasce ?
no, next game i was 1400… i had no losses before… it kinda defeat the purpose of climbing when the rating just goes off by itself

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It should not be depending on ilvl alone. People need to be forced in a trial version first so they can qualify themselves. I swear the jokers in the bg’ s not doing objectives is getting ridiculous. Also Blizzard fooled me by making me sign a contract to be nice and then put me in BG’s where flagcarriers run to the wrong tower.


Lmao, was “Alessa” taken so u had to add a special character to it?
(I allow myself to change the topic cause this is pure nonsense)

I play alot of SF6 (street fighter 6) online, and the rating system it has there is 20000000000000000000000000000 MILES better than WoW ever had.

Also it has a MR (master rate) system for the players that are master rank to have a special ranking that you start earn ONLY on that rank and above, which means competition on fair GROUND between them.

Just an example, and thanks for the reply.

e x a c t l y this… amen to this comment.

FIesta when u can que x2 meta,

Not sure what blizz is thinking.

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